Box 18, Folder 29, Document 91

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Box 18, Folder 29, Document 91

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—AP Wirephoto

Youngster Joins The Chant

. “black power” call inflames group at Atlanta

Riot Indictment
Names Carmichael

ATLANTA (UPI) — A grand jury Tuesday indicted
“black power” advocate Stokely Carmichael and 14 other
Negroes on riot charges in connection with Atlanta’s worst
racial outburst in modern times.

The indictments were returned by the Fulton County

grand jury, which got the
ease several days ago.

Mr. Carmichael is head of
the controversial Student
Nonviolent Co-Ordinating
Committee. He was taken
into custody last Thursday,
two days following last
Tuesday’s riot.

Mr. Carmichael had hired
a sound truck to cruise
through a Negro section and
Bive residents What author-

Janta Saturday night fanned
the racial fires again.

Police Tuesday charged a
42-year-old white Man with
that slaying.

The suspect was identi-
fied as William Haywood
James. His wife was held
as a material witness,

James insisted he was in-

—AP Wirephoto

Youngster Joins The Chant

... “black power” call inflames group at Atlanta

Riot Indictment
Names Carmichael

ATLANTA (UPI) — A grand jury Tuesday indicted
“black power” advocate Stokely Carmichael and 14 other
Negroes on riot charges in connection with Atlanta’s worst
racial outburst in modern times.

The indictments were returned by the Fulton County
grand jury, which got the __ =

case several days ago.

Mr. Carmichael is head of
the controversial Student
Nonviolent Co - Ordinating
Committee. He was taken
into custody last Thursday,
two days following last
Tuesday’s riot.

Mr. Carmichael had hired
a sound truck to cruise

aera Seation and.

lanta Saturday night fanned
the racial fires again.

Police Tuesday charged a
42-year-old white man With
that slaying.

The suspect was identi-
fied as William Haywood
James. His wife was held
as a material witness.

James insisted he was in-


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