Box 3, Folder 4, Document 18

Dublin Core


Box 3, Folder 4, Document 18

Text Item Type Metadata





R-9 R-10 R-11 R-21 R-22 R-59 R-85 R-90 A-2-1 A-2-2 A-2-


Director of Redevelopment Openshaw 6 9 9 an 20 5 20

Secretary Lombard | 6 2 2 25 20 5 20

Chief, Program Service Branch Yenlev - . . | : : 50 20 |

Redevelopment Assistant Chaney 10 190. *} 20 20 10 10

Redevelopment Assistant Chance 10 20 10 Lo

Redevelopment Assistant inan ¥

Redevelopment Assistant Open

yGeriea Clerk- Typist Banks 10 LO 20 20 10 10

Stenographer White 10 LO 20 30 5 |

Public Information Officer Ross 5 5 5 15 20 10 2 | |
chief, P. E. Branch Sealey 15 5 10 10 | 15 15 20 3 | |
Planning Officer . Open | |
Planning Officer Schroeder 25 5 19 10 | 4 25 10 | |
Planning Officer Moscoso 10 5 20 10 15 10 20 | |
Planning Officer Oroz 100 | |
Planning Officer Ayer 10 0 50 | | |
Planning Officer ' Open | | |
Planning Officer pen |
Stenographer Ray 3 25 10 19 15 | 15 10 | =| 100 f


R-9 R-10 R-i1 R-21 R-22 R-59 R-85 R-90 A-2-1 A-2-2 A-2-3 A-2-) A-2-5 CRS Total
Chief, R. EH. Acquisition Br. Greenleaf 1 5 10 3h 10 35 0 0 109
Real Estate Orficer Weller 6 5 e 20 20 5 37 0 0 100
Real Estate Officer Onan. :
Real Estate Orricer Rdane 25 15 10 50 0 0 103
Real Estate Orticer Ge caane ° “ 1 2 9 20 38 10 27 0 0 100
Re2l Estate Officer Recknel1 1 5 5 10 3h, LO 35 0 O 00
Stenograpner Sickie: 1 5 5 10 3h 10 35 9 0 100
. Stenograpner |
Giief, Relocation Branch Grigsby 1 5 1 15 20 20 3h 2 9 ; 3 100
Asst. Chief, Relocation Br. Krahebaéh 2 1 i 35 20 5 23 h | h 5 100
Relocation & P. M. Officer Bailey 1 3 h on 36 5 18 , ee ¢ | wah
| Social Work Coordinator Gill 9 23 38 0 30 0 0 10 | 100
| Stenographer Russell 2 h il - 20 35 2 16 iL. | 1 8 | LOO
| Chief, R. E. Disp. Branch yyooman 5 10 20 30 10 10 15 | 100
Real Estate Officer Sherard 5 10 15 30 10 10 20 | | 100
Real Zstate Officer Hines 15 10 15 20 25 5 10 | | 100
Real Estate Officer Shae 6 8 20 | 22 | Is 10 15 | | 00
Stenographer Nickolson 5 10 10 30 18 17 10 | 100
Chief, Rehabilitation Branch Screws | | 0 hs 20 35 0 | 100
(Signed) Ny ew ode shee

Diractor of Redevelopment


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