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Box 18, Folder 30, Document 75
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September 18, 1966
1668 Juanita Ave.
San Jose, California
Mayor Ivan Allen Jr.
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Mayor Allen:
I would like to commend you for some of, the attitudes you expressed
ates the racial difficulties recently in Atlanta(reported by UPI, Sept.
Your awareness of the inequities confronting Negroes and willingness
to publicly acknowledge them deserves the highest praise. The endorsement
you have given to the 1966 civil rights bill and opposition to the Dirksen
amendment requires a good deal of personal and political courage.
The Nation will be indebted to you for whatever counsel and guidance
you can offer to your community in ameliorating the injustice that has been
done the black man. I hope you will not be sidetracked from the pursuit of
insuring the basic dignity and worth of all men by the irrelevant issues of
"black power" and "outside agitation",
My best wishes to you,
cS We
Loy S.’ Braley
1668 Juanita Ave.
San Jose, California
Mayor Ivan Allen Jr.
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Mayor Allen:
I would like to commend you for some of, the attitudes you expressed
ates the racial difficulties recently in Atlanta(reported by UPI, Sept.
Your awareness of the inequities confronting Negroes and willingness
to publicly acknowledge them deserves the highest praise. The endorsement
you have given to the 1966 civil rights bill and opposition to the Dirksen
amendment requires a good deal of personal and political courage.
The Nation will be indebted to you for whatever counsel and guidance
you can offer to your community in ameliorating the injustice that has been
done the black man. I hope you will not be sidetracked from the pursuit of
insuring the basic dignity and worth of all men by the irrelevant issues of
"black power" and "outside agitation",
My best wishes to you,
cS We
Loy S.’ Braley