Box 18, Folder 30, Document 82

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Box 18, Folder 30, Document 82

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September 13, 1966

The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr.
MAYOR, City of Atlanta
Atlanta, Georgia.

Dear Mayor Allen:

As a veteran of both world wars, allow me to offer sincere
sympathies to you and your splendid city, in your nigger trouble,

Mayor Allen---America as a whole MUST do something about
this black curse---and do it drastically.

If we do not, then the unionbastards, teen-age punks,
lawless renegades and others will overflow---and law and order
shall have been lost, ‘The rabble will follow the niggers’ pathe

Let that occur, and our nation is lost. You know that.
Already, unmistakable signs of rot and decay are about us, as our
"authorities" allow the niggers to run wild, but block white men.

If that is not discrimination, then what is?

Enough..oKipling, in his poem "MacDonough's Song," laid
it out clean when he wrote, in part:

"Whatsoever for any cause, seeketh to take or give

Power above and_ beyond the Laws---suffer it not to live}
Holy State, or Holy King, or Holy People's Will--

Have no truck with the senseless things

Order the guns and killj"

And that, Your Honor, is exactly what we white Americans
must do, if our nation and law’and order are to survive. I'm ready!

Very truly yours=-=

MOK phebeonr op,
Chet Schwarzkopf ,

Box 445
Tehachapi, cali. 93561


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