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Box 18, Folder 30, Document 93
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Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Breiling
4206 Verne Avenue
Cincinnati 9, Ohio
September 14,1906
Mayor of Atlanta,Georgia
Your Honor the Mayor:
The attached clipping is the most atrocious incident that has yet be-
fallen the Racial Movement. we are both ov years old and are White.
My wife was born and lived in arkansas. I was born and lived my life
in Ohio,
we like yourself are glad to see peaceful citizen action in reference
to 4 grievance. This is the American way and we like yourself are in
accord with this manner of action.
Y et we are like the Mayor of Waukegan,” llinois. \hen they had their
recent flareup he refused to meet with what he caiied and described as
"Scum" the Black Power groups until he is assured of meeting with first
class citizens. This means that whether it be .n Georgia,tilinois,
Uhio the responsible citizens who work,live and conduct themselves as
respectable citizensare the ones to set the time place and manner of
goats the necessary things to keep a fair and just interpretation of the
we admire your courage to go out in the open and aadress those people
in their own neighborhood. They should respect you first 4s a man,
and second as an official of the City of atlanta,otate of Leorgia,the
United ~tates of america.
You are in our opinion aware of the needs of the situation better than
anyone else,hence we offer no suggestions or advice. we do however,
condone and admire your policies whether the person is white or negro
they are either guilty or not of MEODE or if not guilty then they should
be set free.
otokley Carmicael is guilty of "Insurrection" as he chose to agitate and
encourage an attack on government. His attack on you was an attack on
citizens of the nation. ve are back of you and the sooner the minori-
ty groups learn the correct way to address their grievances the better.
The 1 OOO negroes who poured into the streets,attacked the officers with
rocks and bottles,tipped a police cruiser and attacked white motorists
were ali "“insurrectionists". Their leader and those guiity vf the act
should be punished with the maximum penalty of the law. In your state
of sveorgia it is as we understand,"DLATH".
May peace and order prevail in atianta and over the nation. The way it
now seems there is a planned program to attack, Nebraska, lowa,vhio,lilinois,
New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Georgia,mississippi,Alabama and Lili-
fornia. Where will it strike next? the rider attachea to tne Civil
Rights legislation which makes it a rederal Crime to travel from state to
state to stir,agitate and cause civii riots. but since tnis legislaaion
isn't soing to pass it now seems likely that each state wil. have to pass
their own laws on this "Version of Ora ie soon we are for
you and your efforts to maintain order.
yours truly, Lt fo ¢