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Box 19, Folder 1, Document 32
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, the
Negroes’ Place
Dear Sir:
If there was ever a race of
people in the history of man
that should be thankful that their
lot in life was improved by the
people of another race it is the
American Negro.
Some 250 years ago they were
savages in the jungles of Africa.
There were other civilizations
that had prospered on lands that
were far less fair to the provis-
on of a livelihood for man than
the luscious and arable lands of
Africa. Yet, while civilization
was following its tortuous pace
in these countries, the savages
fin the Dark Continent were prac-
ticing cannibalism.
Misguidedly, some of these
white people, thought that
blacks, living as savages and as
cannibals, were animals, and
they took them as slaves,
Perhaps, that is the best thing
that could have happened to
them, for otherwise, they, as a
race would never have known
ne benefits of this great coun-
My colored friends, while your
ancestors were savages and no
doubt doing what was right by
their customs of the day, eating
each other, the forefathers of
this country were preparing
those great documents of hu-
man liberty, the Declaration of).
Independence, the Constitution,
and the Bill Of Rights,
Does that mean anything to
you? Cannot you understand that
there is a path of history, the
history of man’s efforts to find
a basis of law whereby one can
live in peace with the other?
Cannot you understand that the
documents mentioned above are
the nearest to perfection that
have ever been achieved? Do
you not understand that to de-
stroy these laws is to destroy
the very source of those things
you say that you want - even
those things that you are now
oeginning to demand as belong-
Ing to you.
True, the implementation of
the law is not perfect, There
are many instances where peo-
ple of all colors have been dealt
unfairly by the law — also by
The Readers’ Forum
law. But, what if there were no
law? What then? Do you want
to revert to savagery? There is
law or there is savagery]
So now you have set yours
selves on a path of violence to
take what you have been led
to believe by your power-hungry
leaders belongs to you.
The first question of course is
to you? Did you build it? Could
you build it? Could you run it?
Its just that simple; if you can-
not answer yes to all _ three
questions then the final quesHon
is “How would you live - that
is, if you had to depend on your-
If you had no law, as your
Jeaders are now teaching you,
do you intend to live in sava-
gery? Shall you have cannibal-
ism? Maybe that is the way you
intend to live, for-as long as
the strong last, after you have
destroyed everything, as you
did in Watts and are doing in
Rather than face such a dis-
heartening outlook, I should
think that it would be wise to be
thankful for the priviledge that
you have to live in this great
country - the only country in the
world where a man has a free-|
no other answer, Either there isj{s still the country of the mo
how can you say that it belongs):
Once one recognizes that this
country, in spite of all its in-
equalities by today’s standards,
individual freedom and there
the best country in which to live
then an effort on the part o:
that one will be made to pr
serve his position in the world,
fter all, there is no other place
to go.
Orangeburg, S. C.
The Principles
Dear Sir:
It is most interesting to read
the statement that William M.
Garrett, a Democratic candidate
for. the office of state treasurer,
sent to Governor McNair and
ithe press on Friday. Garrett
urged the governor to use “‘ev-
ery means within your power to
allow our Republican opposition
to place a nominee on the gen-
eral election ballot. Can we, as
Democrats, say “the people’ had
.an opportunity to choose? I feel
every voter should be afforded
freedom of choice at the polls.’’
Prior to this statement we
have had no Wade Hampton,
Ben Tillman, Cole Blease or
“Cotton Ed’’ Smith to voice the
dom of choice,
a wrreans
- men who administered the
J. 0, Allen]
Gq F0lu yee F:
sentiment of the people.
Anyone will have to admit that
it took a great deal of moral
courage in this man who mag
‘risk political defeat rather than
‘surrender a shredofprinciple.
Mr, Bernard Baruch’s father, .
Dr, Simon Baruch, addressing
the convention of the S, C. Med-
cal Society, of which he was
resident, in 1873, quoted an
yArabian sage: ‘What good coms
es from Ali’s sword, if it be ~
sheathed; What good from Sadi’s 5
tongue, if it be silent.’’
If we do not adhere to theprine *
ciples of this man, we can well
say; ‘Here lies a decent people s
‘who wanted love, not empire, —
and got neither; who tried to \
trade power for popularity and
lost both.”’
We might also say that here :
lies a nation of advertisers who -
‘knew how to change the cone >
sumers taste in cigarettes, but
‘were themselves manipulated on T
.all issues that really mattered
ito their salvation.
| Every voter would do well to
read and reread this statement,
it is not the statement of a po- .?
litician, but of a man of true ,
principle. , \-
G. A White —
Spartanburg, S. C,
, the
Negroes’ Place
Dear Sir:
If there was ever a race of
people in the history of man
that should be thankful that their
lot in life was improved by the
people of another race it is the
American Negro.
Some 250 years ago they were
savages in the jungles of Africa.
There were other civilizations
that had prospered on lands that
were far less fair to the provis-
on of a livelihood for man than
the luscious and arable lands of
Africa. Yet, while civilization
was following its tortuous pace
in these countries, the savages
fin the Dark Continent were prac-
ticing cannibalism.
Misguidedly, some of these
white people, thought that
blacks, living as savages and as
cannibals, were animals, and
they took them as slaves,
Perhaps, that is the best thing
that could have happened to
them, for otherwise, they, as a
race would never have known
ne benefits of this great coun-
My colored friends, while your
ancestors were savages and no
doubt doing what was right by
their customs of the day, eating
each other, the forefathers of
this country were preparing
those great documents of hu-
man liberty, the Declaration of).
Independence, the Constitution,
and the Bill Of Rights,
Does that mean anything to
you? Cannot you understand that
there is a path of history, the
history of man’s efforts to find
a basis of law whereby one can
live in peace with the other?
Cannot you understand that the
documents mentioned above are
the nearest to perfection that
have ever been achieved? Do
you not understand that to de-
stroy these laws is to destroy
the very source of those things
you say that you want - even
those things that you are now
oeginning to demand as belong-
Ing to you.
True, the implementation of
the law is not perfect, There
are many instances where peo-
ple of all colors have been dealt
unfairly by the law — also by
The Readers’ Forum
law. But, what if there were no
law? What then? Do you want
to revert to savagery? There is
law or there is savagery]
So now you have set yours
selves on a path of violence to
take what you have been led
to believe by your power-hungry
leaders belongs to you.
The first question of course is
to you? Did you build it? Could
you build it? Could you run it?
Its just that simple; if you can-
not answer yes to all _ three
questions then the final quesHon
is “How would you live - that
is, if you had to depend on your-
If you had no law, as your
Jeaders are now teaching you,
do you intend to live in sava-
gery? Shall you have cannibal-
ism? Maybe that is the way you
intend to live, for-as long as
the strong last, after you have
destroyed everything, as you
did in Watts and are doing in
Rather than face such a dis-
heartening outlook, I should
think that it would be wise to be
thankful for the priviledge that
you have to live in this great
country - the only country in the
world where a man has a free-|
no other answer, Either there isj{s still the country of the mo
how can you say that it belongs):
Once one recognizes that this
country, in spite of all its in-
equalities by today’s standards,
individual freedom and there
the best country in which to live
then an effort on the part o:
that one will be made to pr
serve his position in the world,
fter all, there is no other place
to go.
Orangeburg, S. C.
The Principles
Dear Sir:
It is most interesting to read
the statement that William M.
Garrett, a Democratic candidate
for. the office of state treasurer,
sent to Governor McNair and
ithe press on Friday. Garrett
urged the governor to use “‘ev-
ery means within your power to
allow our Republican opposition
to place a nominee on the gen-
eral election ballot. Can we, as
Democrats, say “the people’ had
.an opportunity to choose? I feel
every voter should be afforded
freedom of choice at the polls.’’
Prior to this statement we
have had no Wade Hampton,
Ben Tillman, Cole Blease or
“Cotton Ed’’ Smith to voice the
dom of choice,
a wrreans
- men who administered the
J. 0, Allen]
Gq F0lu yee F:
sentiment of the people.
Anyone will have to admit that
it took a great deal of moral
courage in this man who mag
‘risk political defeat rather than
‘surrender a shredofprinciple.
Mr, Bernard Baruch’s father, .
Dr, Simon Baruch, addressing
the convention of the S, C. Med-
cal Society, of which he was
resident, in 1873, quoted an
yArabian sage: ‘What good coms
es from Ali’s sword, if it be ~
sheathed; What good from Sadi’s 5
tongue, if it be silent.’’
If we do not adhere to theprine *
ciples of this man, we can well
say; ‘Here lies a decent people s
‘who wanted love, not empire, —
and got neither; who tried to \
trade power for popularity and
lost both.”’
We might also say that here :
lies a nation of advertisers who -
‘knew how to change the cone >
sumers taste in cigarettes, but
‘were themselves manipulated on T
.all issues that really mattered
ito their salvation.
| Every voter would do well to
read and reread this statement,
it is not the statement of a po- .?
litician, but of a man of true ,
principle. , \-
G. A White —
Spartanburg, S. C,