Box 19, Folder 1, Document 82

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Box 19, Folder 1, Document 82

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Here’s a blueprint for marriage after

u're 65 years old,
Don't laugh now—the U.S, Government
ports that more than 35,000 couples past
‘e 65 are now marrying every year, and
at the number is growing.
Five years ago many of these people
d spouses, silting on the sofa next to
em as your spouse may be silting now.
Ka The blueprint comes from John Y,
Vatson, 68, a widower for four years, and
is bride of five months, Eugenia Watson,
‘6, a widow for five years.
Both owned homes at the time of their
narriage. Both have now sold them. They
ve in a trailer parked in a tree-shrouded
“ark in the Southland.

Abrecseh tit bt


Mr, and Mrs. Watson obviously are
‘Shappy. But they aren’t silly about it.
“They have a quiet, pleasant, companion-

Jable marriage, Not a cute one.

Out of their experience together they
iave formulated the following points which
hey believe will make a good retirement

1. The older couple must understand that
or them marriage is not a Something-
sorrowed — Something-Blue affair, It is
or companionship, which means both
somebody fo talk to and the security a
iouise companion gives you, and it is for
economy. ‘Together, we are living for
about 60 per cent of what the two of us
spent living separately,” according to Mr.

2. The older couple should haye a
wedding ceremony and invite all their
friends, Not to solicit gifts, not for their
own vanity. But for the friends. Who will


Wedding aA
They Can Ring Su

love it, And who will t
here on with parties ani

8. The older couple,
should go to their indis

their plans, and get a f

physical. condition. Ther

tell each other what th
that a case of arthrit
some midnight won't col

4, The older couple
carefully, but firmly, ~
each might have. “Yo
children,’ says Mrs. Wa

“You must tell then
dishonorable in older
There's nothing disres]
dren’s deceased Mother
people want companior
he necessary to point
unwise to get into
whether the rematria®
This is your decision, te

5, With regard to?
wise to give them sor
somebody is not mi
“Daddy’s Money” '-

~ Mother helped you mr

6. This reassurancg
given through a fin,
which any older Col,
should work out, eith
or through an exchal
each other.

“In general,” says’
genia and I agreed t®
of us had that had-
marriage to my dev
marriage to her dece,_
be retained in each’s
passed on to each’s i
feasible. But we also ?

Pes Gian bck


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