Box 19, Folder 1, Document 100

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Box 19, Folder 1, Document 100

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Clarion-Ledger Staff Writer

U.S. Sen. James 0. Eastland
appearing at the Neshoba Coun-
ty Fair here a few days ago,
told a large audience that the
Negro leader, Martin Luth-
er King, “has not gone over in
the North and they are shunt-
ing him back South.”

The statement came on the
heels of announcements that
King is bringing his annual con-
vention of the Southern Chris-
tian Leadership Conference to
Jackson, Aug, 7 - 8.

Sen. Eastland, considered the
leading anti - liberal in the Con-
gress, cautioned the citizens of
this area to pay as little atten-
tion to the rabble - rousings
of King as possible.

It has been noted that every-
where that the “non -. violent’
King goes up north, death and
destruction have sprouted.

Sen, Eastland told the Nesho-
ba audience that even liberal
solons in Washington “saw
through” the shooting incident
of James Meredith several
‘weeks ago, and “the result was
a break-through for the conserv-
ative cause.

“The man with the rifle, an
expert marksman according to
his military record, called three
times for attention of Meredith
in order that the cameramen
could focus,’ Eastland noted,
“Ves, aa peut even sa ie
through that, when an exp
Sones used birdshot to

So much for the Hastland
statement ... we are attracted
to the New. York Times via the
St. Louis Post Dispatch this
week, “oe


The Post Dispatch, quoting
the New York paper, reprints
the following which should

show a turn of affairs up

The Northern Liberals, fear-
ful of extremism, are cutting
back sharply on contributions to
the more militant civil rights

The big drop in donations
from the liberal community is
verified by top officers and
former leaders of the Congress
of Racial Equality, the Stu-
dent nonviolent co-ordinating
committee, popularly called
Snick, and the Rev. Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr.’s Southern
Christian Leadership Confer-
ence. Money from white persons
in the past has been the life-
blood of their campaigns. a

ficers of those organizations and

In a series of interviews,
eivil rights donors gave three |

being shifted from CORE and


that contributions fell signifi-
cantly after a CORE officer at
Mount Vernon, N. Y., denounced
Jews in general at a public
meeting in February.

Lynch says that about 80 per
cent of his group’s financial
support has come from the
white community “and you
could say that Jewish contri-
hey have been predomi-


Former high - ranking na-
tional officers of CORE recent-
ly resigned but sill in close
touch with the situation, say
that contributions to it this
year are running only little bet-
ter than half of the $810,000 to-
tal of the previous fiscal year,

Lynch denies such a severe
drop but does not disclose the
figures, He concedes that the
deficit is between $200,000 and
$250.000. Former CORE leaders
put it as high as $350,000.

Ivanhoe Donaldson, new di-
rector of the New York office of
Snick, which operates primari-
ly in the South but has frankly
depended on white northern fi-
nancial help, says “our contri-
butions are 40 to 45 per cent
Jess than we normally have at
this time of year.”

He says that the Student Com-
mittee is no longer supported
“by those liberal whites who
believe in integration in the
South but not New York or Chi-|:

Today the organization has
the help of the radicals, he says.

The Student Committee talks
of about $650,000 in in¢ome in
the fiscal year 1965,

The Student Committee
charges the Northern press with __
distortions about the meaning
of “black power,” causing libs”
erals to worry about “racism”
and “black nationalism,” —

The Rev. Dr. King's confer- .@,
ence says that 70 per cent of %,
its financial help has come)!
from white liberals but that|
contributions dropped from $1,-| J
500,000 in the fiscal year 1965

There are indications that
mueh money from whites is

Snick to more conservative
rights groups or to educational
and legal defense organizations
benefiting the Negro.

Civil Rights leaders and do-
hors report a general slacken-
ing in Northern interest after|.
the enactment of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964 and last
year’s voting rights law,

A long - time CORE national
executive, who wants his name
withheld: sims un that ntti. <

snow a turn of affairs up.


The Northern Liberals, fear-
ful of extremism, are cutting
back sharply on contributions to
the more militant civil rights
organizations. ‘

The big drop in donations
from the liberal community is
verified by top officers and
former leaders of the Congress
of Racial Equality, the Stu-
dent nonviolent co-ordinating
committee, popularly called
Snick, and the Rev. Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr.’s Southern
Christian Leadership Confer-
ence. Money from white persons
in the past has been the life-
blood of their campaigns.

In a series of interviews, of-
ficers of those organizations and
civil rights donors gave three
main reasons for the drop in
financial support:

(1) Concern over CORE and
Snick attitudes that are de-
scribed by mnay persons as
“black racist,” anti-Semitic or

. “extreme.”

(2) Worry or disgust about
bitter attacks, primarily by
CORE and Snick, on United
States intentions and on ‘‘moral-
ity” in Viet Nam and on the
military draft.

(3) A decline of enthusiasm
now that the Northerner is be-
ing jostled by civil rights mili-
tancy in his own backyard.


Both CORE and the Student
Committee have recently em-
phasized demands for “black
power” in political and eco-
nomic life. The Rev. Dr. King
demands a ‘“‘militant thrust
forward”? by Negroes but de-
plores use of the term “black
power” as implying black na-
tionalist ideas. His organization
reports contributions down by
more than one third in the fis-
cal year ending, June 30.

The Rey. Ralph D. Abernathy,
vice president and treasurer of
the Leadership Conference,
says that “black power” de-
mands and allegedly racist at-
titudes of CORE and Snick have
seriously affected the King or-
ganization because many whites
do not differentiate among the

Lineoln Lynch, associate na-.
tional director of CORE, says

~ a = “TT ¥

es ap a CULTET=
ence says that 70 per cent of
its financial help has come
from white liberals but that
contributions dropped from $1,-
500,000 in the fiscal year 1965
to less than $1,000,000 in 1966.

There are indications that
much money from whites is
being shifted from CORE and
Snick to more conservative
rights groups or to educational
and legal defense organizations
benefiting the Negro.


Civil Rights leaders and do-
Nors report a general slacken-
ing in Northern interest after
the enactment of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964 and last
year’s voting rights law.

A long - time CORE national
executive, who wants his name
withheld, sums up that atti-
tude: “Bull Connor and his po-
lice dogs were such easy tar-
gets to hate a few years ago,”

He referred to Eugene Con-
hor, who used dogs to check
demonstrators when he was
Birminghan police commission-

Many observers and leaders
of the civil rights struggle be-
lieve that it is too early. to as-
sess the full impact of the new
“black power” slogan. But they
point to other related factors,
described as “racist” or “ex-
tremist,” attitudes as having a

depressing effect for many
Kivie Kaplan, the retired

white industrialist who is presi-
dent of the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored
People, said recently: “I know
one big contributor who tore up
his check when Snick started

that ‘Black Panter’ political |’

party in Alabama.”

He referred to a new all-black
party in one Alabama county.

Another, Joseph Willen, exec-
utive director of the Federation
of Jewish Philanthropies, has
Switched his support to the Na-
tional Urban League and to the
scholarship, education and de-
fense fund for racial equality,
Set up friends and staff people |
of CORE in 1962, but separate |
in operation.

CORE, he says, has apparent-
ly decided not to be an inter-
racial group any longer, “and
the opposite of that is racist.’ |
He speaks of a Negro attack
“on their neighbors, the Jews.’


Theos Ronee







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