Box 19, Folder 2, Document 55

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Box 19, Folder 2, Document 55

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er) Oo
“ 6d etn — oweu women ssien intently as &
Barbie eteosncnp ernest fe ore B san vai “Gomir? ul a candidate in ife Vietnamese election addresses them in
‘ce region aa hitting their explosion. Pleiku, S. Viet Nam. The election takes place Sunday.
oe o o i
Says He Will Stay in Jail ¥

Carmichael ‘Political Pri ne Te
\ ATLANTA (UPI) —Asso- acting chairman of the Student,from a car when he tried toJown people, Carmichael re- i
‘ciates of jailed “black power’|Nonviolent Coordinating Com-\reason with them. turned to the riot-scarred
ladvocate Stokely Carmichael pat leerx NEO) toh. a neWS! Carmichael was arrested|district Thursday and went
lsaid Friday he would remain Sig .|about midnight Thursday at the/from door-to-door telling res-

é : eae a Earlier in the day Carmi- : t
behind bars as a ‘“‘political chael was bound over to a SNCC headquarters. idents he was not_responsible == 977”
prisoner’ while they go intolgrand jury under $10,000 bond Takes Command |for»the riot.”
federal court with efforts to/on charges_of~incitingsthe” riot|" ‘Forman, who came re But his troubles Jeontinued to
top arrests of. racial~demon-|that broke out in the Summer-lfr9m Philadelphia to take|™ount during the day. First, he
trators. hill Negro district of Atlanta COMBE NG EIU Carmichael stance was denounced on the floor of
| “Mr. Carmichael is a politi-|Tuesday. During the outburst 4 h lead Congress as an “anarchist,”
cal prisoner captured bylabout 1,000 Negroes _pelted|SC"C®, @9 other SNCC €acersithen his onetime associate

tlanta police and chooses to|police with rocks and bottles|issued a barrage of _bitter|Julian Bond, the Negro repre-
stay in aa James Forman,'and toppled Mayor Ivan Allen|statements against Atlanta|sentative-elect the Georgia
= Mayor Ivan Allen, the police|#ouse refused to seat, am- =
q nounced he was pulling out of
Jepartment and the U.S. war|sncc, and finally he was taken
ef a into custody.
Forman said Atlanta can :
count on intensified demonstra- e e
tions in the near future but V i Pp | ;
gave no details. le 0 ice
eporters covering the news :
conference were ushered into a
large upstairs room of the Halt Niarch ;
SNCC headquarters and staff eteib EE ie hie dy ale
|members, some wearing “black :
power” lapel buttons, took 0 ' h
down names of those present. ni im assy
No one was allowed to leave
ithe-room_alone———_ SAIGON (UPI) —Vietnamese
It was explained by Forman|police Friday broke up an ‘
that “we are afraid somebody|attempted march by Buddhist
will dynamite’ us.’ onks on the U.S. Embassy to —
the_c protest against the American-
conference, backed general elections Sun-
member went downstairs and/day. Hundreds of other monks
unlocked a heavy door wiredland nuns staged hunger strikes. ©
orien with an alarm system to . ;
UPI Telephoto |permit reporters to ae The monks were members of
: ; D. d > of hisltte unified Buddhist church
so close to a tiny high-flying target drone that it would enounced by many of Hlsiinich has called on all”
have destroyed_a full-sized aircraft. followers to boycott the elec-
< Wilentz to Appear tions for a constitutional
: assembly to pave the way for a
At Dinner Here return of civilian government.
as for A= i est. _.|. Warren W. Wilentz,. Demp- ap ae intereapiad 2 and ar se int
cratic organization candidte a 8 = ik het 7
i i zc : a {for U.S. Senator, will be fea-\Catrying anti-American an
weaponry Fran Revenral Minister Alain Peyre- hined aepetier, shoniSht clu ine anti-government banners, about 3
@ goal, left for|fi ne 0 A Ewing Township Democratic|°ne-quarter of a mile from the
toll proving], The 10foot high nucleariciub dinner, scheduled for 7:30/eMbassy in downtown Saigon.
device, expected to contain less : : ‘ Oth li a American
~outheast Oflthan a <negaton (one million|>™- in the Geneva Inn, DOOD Se Gael
‘10 p.m.|pounds of TNT) of punch, was|_ Rumors are that David Frost ee ; ae ieee cana zy 5
5. |to ke detonated as it swung|Democratic “peace’ candidate cmeed an it r besbed
aflfrom a cable beneath a huge|for senator, also will show up|"DS°* With TOMS, Oo! Dan *
‘halloon hovering 1,700 feet|for the affair. He. we
‘ve the atoll lagoon. _ Other honored guests will in-| The government police hus-
French are attempting to|clude all area Democratic can-|tled the monks into their jeeps
*he components thatididates for public office and and seized such posters as one
“. their hydrogen|Neil Sarvat, a long-time work-reading: “The U.S. and South:
was to beler and former corresponding|Vietnamese governments are
"on another|secretary of the Ewing party|respomsible for the death of Tri
organization. Quang.” ‘ 4


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