Dublin Core
Box 19, Folder 2, Document 80
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September 7, 1966.
Hon. Ivan Allen, Mayor,-
Atlanta, Georgia.
My Dear Mr. Mayor:
When I read your statement before the recent meeting
of mayors, I grated my teeth and started counting to ten.
When I reached nine, I got the message that you were being
pulled from the top of a cart
For this, of course, I'm sorry.
But you should know nigsers, You shovld know-- as they
hed to learn teexkextxwaxy in Rochester, Los Angeles and a
hundred other places, the "hard" way, the better you treat
a nigeer, the meaner he becomes. This is particularly so
where the Communistic Kings, Carmichels and other worthless
scoundrels (mostly Kikes) keep urging them on, And with an
Harl Warren to have them released, so they can burn, rape
and loot again!
I know niggers inside and out. When you start calling
him "Neesro" and looking straight at him, he starts looking
down at you. The only language a nigref understands is "NO"
backed up with a .45, and a slug between the eyes if needed!
Unless we load these apes on cattle bosts and send them
back to their old homeland, their offspring will sell out
ereat-grand children from an auction block!
BOB OAKES-- P. 0. Box 97, Ashland, Oregon.
It's a shame you can't have the Atlanta Constitution
padlocked, and o1d McGill placed in a padded cell}
Hon. Ivan Allen, Mayor,-
Atlanta, Georgia.
My Dear Mr. Mayor:
When I read your statement before the recent meeting
of mayors, I grated my teeth and started counting to ten.
When I reached nine, I got the message that you were being
pulled from the top of a cart
For this, of course, I'm sorry.
But you should know nigsers, You shovld know-- as they
hed to learn teexkextxwaxy in Rochester, Los Angeles and a
hundred other places, the "hard" way, the better you treat
a nigeer, the meaner he becomes. This is particularly so
where the Communistic Kings, Carmichels and other worthless
scoundrels (mostly Kikes) keep urging them on, And with an
Harl Warren to have them released, so they can burn, rape
and loot again!
I know niggers inside and out. When you start calling
him "Neesro" and looking straight at him, he starts looking
down at you. The only language a nigref understands is "NO"
backed up with a .45, and a slug between the eyes if needed!
Unless we load these apes on cattle bosts and send them
back to their old homeland, their offspring will sell out
ereat-grand children from an auction block!
BOB OAKES-- P. 0. Box 97, Ashland, Oregon.
It's a shame you can't have the Atlanta Constitution
padlocked, and o1d McGill placed in a padded cell}