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Box 19, Folder 2, Document 83
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September 8, 1966
The Honorable Ivan Allen
Mayor of Atlanta
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Mr, Allen:
Last night I sent you the telegram in the paragraph
Seeing your courage, calmness, and common sense on
television made me proud that I had known your
father. Stop. When last in Atlanta I learned
from colored people themselves of the esteem they
still had for my friend and classmate, William
B. Hartsfield. You both add glory to the city
of Grady, Harris, Mitchell, Woodruff, end hundreds
of thousands more great and good people. Resurgens
Edward Dessau Clarkson
My thought was that perhaps my dear friend Bill
Hartsfield could give valuable help towards maintaining
the reputation and name of the city of which I still
consider myself a citizen in sentiment. In the spring
of 1944 while I was recuperating from W.W. II injuries
in an army hospital the persuasion came to me that unless
something were done to prevent it there would be creat
racial troubles following the close of the war.
I found that Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln
had had ideas along the lines which I thought were
original with me, That is, of patriating our colored
population in the land of their origin. I found that
the late Senator Bilbo had presented ideas along this
line in the U.S. Senate. I did a great deal of wrk
on the matter and then sufficiently recovered visited
Senator Bilbo at his home in Poplarville, Mississippi.
Senator Bilbo was very anxious for me to allow
parts of my work to be published in the congressional
record, but for various reasons I did not think it
advisable at that time. However, now I feel a compulsion
that my work be available to help this situation which
confronts our nation. I know how very occupied you are
at this time, hence will await your reply before going
into the matter further, Again with congratulations on
your splendid stand and efforts now I am
Very sincerely.your
casa Teh
Baward D. Clarkson
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