Box 19, Folder 2, Document 87

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Box 19, Folder 2, Document 87

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y/ Me
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Pa oN ‘ear * 7 OU! a. as
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we ee ivan Allen ot ae =
Mayor 06 Atlantic Ga;

ee ‘ | ho ee ve

Dear Mr Mayor. hie foe 60, et a

, 9) a
heat: the morning paper this morning, and am sendin cme se
I want you to know that 4 am proud that you are Sa oe
* a oo 44°
You know and I know , that as long as the Goverment protects these Negro,s, that
things are going to get worse,

I have nothing against the color of their skin, It is that if you give them an inch
then they want a mile,’

When it comes to destroying property, burning buildings, beating people pent
other things, then I think it is time to stop them?

I read in the papers one time where J,Edgar Hoover ,said that Martin Luther King
was the Worlds Biggest Liar, W,ell I have never seen one yet that will tell the truth

he stand you are talcing,’

All Im sure are for you.)

Thanks For Liste

Charles Proctor;


Ee ees ee ee ee ee aa a eS eee ae eee ee ee” ee 1


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