Box 19, Folder 6, Document 55

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Box 19, Folder 6, Document 55

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560 Magnolia Street

Atlanta, Georgia October 11, 1966

We, the members of* the Vine City Council are outraged
at the shocking and inhuman treatment of the 10 young people
being held in the Atlanta Stockade.

These people have been held since August 18, 1966 on
charges ranging from disorderly conduct to Insurrection.
Their arrests came as a result of their participation in an
anti-war demonstration at the Army Induction Center.

On the 16th of September, Att. Howard Moore filed an
appeal in the Fulton County Superior Court and on the 21st
of September, Appeal Bond was posted for the 10. Judge T.C.
Little has refused to sign the release papers for the 10
young people.

We feel that this is an outrage and a denial of these
people's constituional right to APPEAL.

We are also outraged that the Atlanta Stockade after the
passage of the 196), and 1965 Civil Rights Bills is still
racially segregated.

We are further outraged by the inhuman treatment of these
young people by guards and officlas at the Atlanta Stockade be-
cause of their political beliefs.and because they are Black.

We DEMAND the immediate release of these 10 young people
on Bond!

We feel that it is ironic that Black men who are so
rigidly segregated and denied their constitutional rights
here at "home" are expected to fight in the Jungles of
Viet Nam, all to preserve the Lester Maddox Atlanta (American)
style of segregation. a


The Vine City Council


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