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Box 19, Folder 6, Document 63
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116 Oak Street
Summerville, Georgia
September 28, 1966
Mayor Ivan Allen
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia
bear Mayor Allen:
I, A teacher with seventeen years' experience, would
like to congratulate you on your part in trying to solve the
riots in Atlanta. In my opinion, the arresting of Carmichael
is the most constructive effort to stop rioting that any city
has made. People do not riot and plunder in their own ident-
ity. Unless they are caught in the mob spirit, they will not
loot and plunder as a mob does. To arrest the person who
incites others to lose their identity and be caught in the
mob spirit seems to be a reasonable method in curbing such
actions. Justice satiersa a severe blow when the charge
against Carmichael was lessened.
Yours truly,
Mrs. Walter Rich
P * i
—— a a es
Summerville, Georgia
September 28, 1966
Mayor Ivan Allen
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia
bear Mayor Allen:
I, A teacher with seventeen years' experience, would
like to congratulate you on your part in trying to solve the
riots in Atlanta. In my opinion, the arresting of Carmichael
is the most constructive effort to stop rioting that any city
has made. People do not riot and plunder in their own ident-
ity. Unless they are caught in the mob spirit, they will not
loot and plunder as a mob does. To arrest the person who
incites others to lose their identity and be caught in the
mob spirit seems to be a reasonable method in curbing such
actions. Justice satiersa a severe blow when the charge
against Carmichael was lessened.
Yours truly,
Mrs. Walter Rich
P * i
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