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Box 19, Folder 7, Document 4
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Thursday, Septermber 8, 1966
5:06 P. M.
lhave directed City Attorney Henry Bowden and Police
Chief Herbert Jenkins to initiate immediate action against any
and all persons responsible for the disorders which tock place
in South Atlanta Tuesday evening.
They are directed to use every facility and legal
authority of the City of Atianta and the State of Georgia necessary
to apprehend, arrest and prosecute to the fullest extent of the
law any person involved in the unlawful creation of this incident.
Let there be no misunderstanding about our intentions
in the apprenhension of these lawbreakers.
Thursday, Septermber 8, 1966
5:06 P. M.
lhave directed City Attorney Henry Bowden and Police
Chief Herbert Jenkins to initiate immediate action against any
and all persons responsible for the disorders which tock place
in South Atlanta Tuesday evening.
They are directed to use every facility and legal
authority of the City of Atianta and the State of Georgia necessary
to apprehend, arrest and prosecute to the fullest extent of the
law any person involved in the unlawful creation of this incident.
Let there be no misunderstanding about our intentions
in the apprenhension of these lawbreakers.