Box 19, Folder 7, Document 8

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Box 19, Folder 7, Document 8

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Ynager allo


September 8, 1966

Chief H.T Jenkins

Atlanta Police Dept. RE: 360 Nelson St.S.W
142 Vine Ste N.W
556 Houston St. N.E

Dear Sir: -

360 Nelson St. is described as being a 50X128X51X142' two story brick
building with a full basement with 12" thick walls. From 1956 until 1966 it was
owned by W.P Ballard, 260 Peachtree Center Office Towers, 230 Peachtree St. It was
sold 2-l-66 to Southern Education & Research Institution Ine. 13-66 the real estate
appraiser went té this address to appraise this property for tax purposes. No
information was supplied, he was refused a tour of the building. Assessment has
been raised for the year 1966 on this basis. Reason for going there, the second
floor was to be converted into office space. I have been unable at this time to
determine the money involved in the transaction.

556 Houston St. is described as being a two story brick house with a
partial basement, containing 11 rooms. From 1959 until 1964 the Citizens Trust Co.
were trustees for this property. January 1, 1964 it was sold to Mr. C.W Reynolds cm
75, 188 Pine St., retired. Rental is handled by Cornelius King Real Estate Co. It
rents for $150.00 per month. The lease is signed by Howard Moore, general counsel
for Southern Education & Research Institution Inc.

142 Vine St. is described as being a 6 room, two bath, frame duplex. Fron
1959 until 1964 it was owned by Annie Mae Reid. December 9, 1965 it was sold to
Steven and Richard Orenstein, 984 Foxcroft Rd. N.W. for $3000.00. And since been
sold to Bddie vans cn, Ca rrgia Savings Bank. Rentals is handled by C.8 Brewer Head
Co. It is now leased to Atlanta Chapter of SNVCC for $40.00 per month. The lease —
is signed by Yonald Stone, 2170 Penelope N.W.


R.B Moore
rbm Internal Security

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