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Office of the Mayor
PHONE 522- 4463
From Betty Robinson
FORM 25-7
— 526 moreland Ave.N.b.,
Uctober drd,1966.
Mayor Ivan allen,Jr.,
3700 Northside wurive,N.W.,
atlanta, ueorgia.
Vear Mayor Allen:
"Grace to you and peace firom
God our rather, and the Lord vesus Ubrist."
First, we thank our heavenly tather for protect-
ing your life during the recent riots in atlanta.
A friend phoned me and said,"We ought to pray for
Mayor Allen." "I have been praying for him" I re-
plied Sbut will pray further." also in our Tuesday
prayer meeting in Faith memorial Uhurch prayer
was requested for you. We thank uod for nis pro-
tecting care over you and for the wisdom nk gave
you during that crisis.
more recently i heard you on Television express
yourself in a manner that grieved our hearts after
the election.in ProWerbs 16:32 we read,“He that
is slow to anger is better than the mighty;and he
that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city." —
Again in vroverbs 4:23,"Keep thy heart with all !
diligence;for out of it are the issues of life.”
In Proverbs 10:19, In the multitude of words there
wanteth not sin: but he that refraineth his lips
is wise." Let us pray for FAITH in GOD to work out
HIS plan. 'Faith is the victory that overcomes
the world. "Looking diligently lest any man fail of
the grace of God;lest any root of bitterness spring
-ing up trouble you,and thereby many be defiled."
Hebrews 12:15.
uod bless you,wayor Allen, and help you in your
difficult position. nis Word says,"MY Grace is
sufficient for you." Jesus Loves you:
eee **3\4 MERICA?
>% In the days of the Civil War, a personal
friend of Abraham Lincoln was a visitor at the
White House. “I had been spending three weeks
with Mr. Lincoln as his guest. One night—it was
just after the Battle of Bull Run—I was restless
and could not sleep . . . from the private room
where the president slept, I heard low tones, for
the door was partly open. Instinctively I wan-
dered in, and there I saw a sight which I have
never forgotten. It was the president, kneeling
before an open Bible .. . his back was toward
me. I shall never forget his prayer: ‘Oh, thou
God, that heard Solomon in the night when he
prayed and cried for wisdom, hear me. I cannot
lead these people, I cannot guide the affairs of
this nation without Thy help. ... O God, hear
me and save this nation.’ ”
George Washington, our first president, who
prayed in the snow at Valley Forge said, “The
event is in the hands of God.” When the tide of
battle was unfavorable, Washington said, “How
will it end? God will direct.”
When the leaders of our country assembled to
write the constitution, it was proposed by Ben-
jamin Franklin that each session be opened with
prayer. Franklin said, “I have lived a long time,
and the longer I live the more convincing proof
I see of this truth—that God governs the affairs
of men, And if a sparrow cannot fall to the
ground without His notice, is it possible that an
empire can rise without His aid?”
Our nation today is great because it was
founded by men who feared God and men who
believed in prayer. But in our generation, prayer
has been replaced by political intrigue, material-
ism and a mistaken notion that our private and
national affairs can be run without God.
Today our American way of life is threatened
from within and from all sides. The dangers fac-
ing our country and the entire world are so great
that they cannot be taken lightly.
Here and there throughout America, voices are
heard as individuals and groups begin to call on
God in prayer. Young evangelist Billy Graham's
voice is heard as he calls the nation and individ-
uals to repentance, to faith in Christ and to
But this whole nation must be moved to
prayer. So great are the dangers, so grave the
perils, so tremendous the political problems, so
important the election issues, that it is impera-
tive that we lay hold upon the Lord God in
prayer for His will.
Yes, prayer can save America! But we cannot
really lay hold upon a holy God until we have
come to know Him as our Father. So that we
might know Him, the loving Father sent His Son
to be the Saviour: “For God so loved the world,
that He gave His only begotten Son, that who-
soever believeth in Him should not perish, but
have everlasting life. ... As many as received
him, to them gave He power to become the sons
of God, even to them that believe on His Name”
Cohn 3:16; 1:12).
Yes, prayer can save America. There is only
one way out, and that is up! If we do not turn to
God, we will be enveloped by godless Com-
munism, It is either revival or ruin! It is now or
never! The answer will not be found in the U.N.
or NATO. The answer will be found only when
we are spiritually awakened and call upon the
Lord our God. Spiritual values must be restored.
We must return to the faith of our fathers, to the
God of our mothers—and to the family altar with
its prayer.
Let's each one lay hold of this tremendous
promise given by God: “If my people, which are
called by my name, shall humble themselves, and
pray, and seek my face, and turn from their
wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and
will forgive their sin,and will heal their land
(II Chronicles 7:14).
—C ype H. DENNIS
A world-wide, nonprofit Christian literature ministry ""=!°
Write for FREE samples and information
+ parents cee
> Millions of lost souls will stand in the judg-
ment day before the Great White Throne
and, hearing their condemnation, will hyster-
ically scream, “I accuse my parents.”
There are thousands of parents who have
given their children everything but God.
They have provided them with nourishing
food, warm clothing and liberal educations
. . . but no Saviour. They have showered
them with gifts and protected them from
harm ... but have not provided a family
- They have read to them Dick Tracy and
Superman, but not the Bible. They have tak-
en them to the movies, but not to Sunday
school. They have cursed before their chil-
dren, but never prayed. Thus thousands of
children have lived to curse their parents
for bringing them into the world and raising
them without Christ.
One of America’s great moral problems
today is juvenile delinquency. The majority
of criminal offenses are being committed by
teen-agers. They have no reverence for God
and thus no respect for authority. Public
I accuse my
schools have instilled their anti-Bible philo-
sophy of “behaviorism” in their heads and
they are expressing themselves to the utter
consternation of educators, statesmen, clergy-
men and police.
Juvenile delinquency is but the out-growth
of adult delinquency. The son will be no
better than his father, the daughter no better
than her mother. A God-less, Bible-less,
drunken father will produce an equally
worthless son. A smoking, beer-drinking,
gadabout mother will produce a loose-living
and pleasure-loving daughter.
God Almighty will hold you parents ac-
countable for sending your children to hell.
Judge Healy of the Juvenile Court of Detroit,
addressing a Young People’s Rally on July
7, 1945, said, “Eighty percent of the young-
sters arraigned in my court came from homes
in which there has been no religious train-
ing.” Bible-less homes produce potential
The breakdown of morals among our
youth is the direct result of throwing the
Bible out of the homes, schools, and churches
of America. Boys and girls who are already
reaping the disastrous results of their sinful
orgies, are already crying, “I accuse my
parents; they never told me about God,
Christ, the Bible, sin or sex.”
To be responsible for the demoralization
of a youngster is a crime of colossal propor-
tions. If your child goes to hell, it will be,
to a great extent, your fault. If you are on
your way to the lake of fire, your child is
following in your footsteps.
Friend, you can lead your children to
heaven or to hell. The sole solution is for
you to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your
personal Saviour. “This is a faithful saying,
and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ
Jesus came into the world to save sinners”
(I Timothy 1:15). Believe God’s Word and
receive His Son now—and you will be saved.
Then you must begin living for your Lord
in your home by immediately establishing a
time each day when you gather your family
together for prayer and the reading of the
Bible. Then, by God’s help, endeavor to lead
your children to the Saviour, who in turn
will keep them from the pollutions of this
world. “For the wages of sin is death; but
the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus
Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23).
—Davw D. ALLEN
GOOD NEWS PUBLISHERS, Westchester, III. 2005
A world-wide, nonprofit Christian literature ministry “as
Write for FREE samples and information
vou [CT-sig You
@ A sailor speaking to a passenger on one of
the Great Lakes steamer a few years ago
said, “There are about 1500 religions in the
world; how do you know you’re right?”
“How does your Captain know he’s right
when he wants to steer a straight course for
port, but owing to a heavy fog he can’t see
the harbor lights?” I asked in reply.
“Why, he goes by the chart and compass.”
“Just so, and on this one vital point as to
how a man can be just before God, and know
that he is sure of eternal salvation, we may
know that we are absolutely right. God has
not left us to find our own course across the
sea of time without a chart to guide us. The
Word of God is a lamp to our feet and a light
for our path, Without it we would grope in
darkness, like a ship that has lost its rudder
on a starless night. It is both a revelation
from God and a revelation of God, showing
us our true condition as sinners before Him,
and His great love in sending ‘His only be-
gotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him
should not perish, but have everlasting life’
(John 3:16) .”
There are many shades of “religious be-
liefs” in this poor storm-tossed sea, but we
must set them all aside as worthless and as the
ways of men, which Scripture says are the
ways of death (Proverbs 16:25). The Lord
Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the
ife: no man cometh unto the Father, but
by Him (John 14:6). His death upon the
cross has opened the way for sinners to come
to God, and this is the only way; there is no
We may differ on other points of greater
or less importance, but we must agree on
this main issue, that “the blood of Jesus
Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin”
(I John 1:7), if we expect to anchor in the
haven of eternal peace.
Faith believes what God says, and what
God requires, and receives the blessing. The
captain of a steamer once told me that he
did not know why he pulled his ship from
what seemed to be the right course, when a
heavy fog prevented his sighting an island in
Lake Superior; but that action saved his ves-
sel from’ being wrecked, and I suggested that
God is the Preserver of all men, specially of
those that believe (I Timothy 4:10). But he
thought he was on the right course, and had
he remained there, seeking to “reason it out”
with himself and his mates, it would have
resulted in the loss of the ship and probably
of all its precious crew.
It is not a question of “opinion,” dear
reader, but what saith the Scriptures? That
Chart is accurate; it has never led any astray;
never caused any to make shipwreck of their
lives, but has brought life, péace, joy and
happiness to countless thousands. Took it
over, read it, believe it, and you'll not be
troubled with the question, “Who is right?”
“He that believeth on the Son hath ever-
lasting life: and he that believeth not the
Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God
abideth on him” (John 3:36).
GOOD NEWS PUBLISHERS, Westchester, Ill. 1T01
A world-wide, nonprofit Christian literature ministry “,=.°
Write for FREE samples and information
526 woreland Ave-Nof
. Personal.
Mayor Ivan O. Allen, ur.,
3700 Northside vrive,.n.W.,
Atlanta, Georvia.
ci aan
pe una
ae ees ' Bow
LAL tha VelcLn, hou
tte tae Pd
Hef aoe eee
Haut Ee
treothe. CLEA: im aes
ee ee i 2% a
TIN Nek We
oo ——— — = -—- -_—— 7
OT 8 oO
. MM >
Zs ; VAL OE Lp
ro" j
PHONE 522- 4463
From Betty Robinson
FORM 25-7
— 526 moreland Ave.N.b.,
Uctober drd,1966.
Mayor Ivan allen,Jr.,
3700 Northside wurive,N.W.,
atlanta, ueorgia.
Vear Mayor Allen:
"Grace to you and peace firom
God our rather, and the Lord vesus Ubrist."
First, we thank our heavenly tather for protect-
ing your life during the recent riots in atlanta.
A friend phoned me and said,"We ought to pray for
Mayor Allen." "I have been praying for him" I re-
plied Sbut will pray further." also in our Tuesday
prayer meeting in Faith memorial Uhurch prayer
was requested for you. We thank uod for nis pro-
tecting care over you and for the wisdom nk gave
you during that crisis.
more recently i heard you on Television express
yourself in a manner that grieved our hearts after
the election.in ProWerbs 16:32 we read,“He that
is slow to anger is better than the mighty;and he
that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city." —
Again in vroverbs 4:23,"Keep thy heart with all !
diligence;for out of it are the issues of life.”
In Proverbs 10:19, In the multitude of words there
wanteth not sin: but he that refraineth his lips
is wise." Let us pray for FAITH in GOD to work out
HIS plan. 'Faith is the victory that overcomes
the world. "Looking diligently lest any man fail of
the grace of God;lest any root of bitterness spring
-ing up trouble you,and thereby many be defiled."
Hebrews 12:15.
uod bless you,wayor Allen, and help you in your
difficult position. nis Word says,"MY Grace is
sufficient for you." Jesus Loves you:
eee **3\4 MERICA?
>% In the days of the Civil War, a personal
friend of Abraham Lincoln was a visitor at the
White House. “I had been spending three weeks
with Mr. Lincoln as his guest. One night—it was
just after the Battle of Bull Run—I was restless
and could not sleep . . . from the private room
where the president slept, I heard low tones, for
the door was partly open. Instinctively I wan-
dered in, and there I saw a sight which I have
never forgotten. It was the president, kneeling
before an open Bible .. . his back was toward
me. I shall never forget his prayer: ‘Oh, thou
God, that heard Solomon in the night when he
prayed and cried for wisdom, hear me. I cannot
lead these people, I cannot guide the affairs of
this nation without Thy help. ... O God, hear
me and save this nation.’ ”
George Washington, our first president, who
prayed in the snow at Valley Forge said, “The
event is in the hands of God.” When the tide of
battle was unfavorable, Washington said, “How
will it end? God will direct.”
When the leaders of our country assembled to
write the constitution, it was proposed by Ben-
jamin Franklin that each session be opened with
prayer. Franklin said, “I have lived a long time,
and the longer I live the more convincing proof
I see of this truth—that God governs the affairs
of men, And if a sparrow cannot fall to the
ground without His notice, is it possible that an
empire can rise without His aid?”
Our nation today is great because it was
founded by men who feared God and men who
believed in prayer. But in our generation, prayer
has been replaced by political intrigue, material-
ism and a mistaken notion that our private and
national affairs can be run without God.
Today our American way of life is threatened
from within and from all sides. The dangers fac-
ing our country and the entire world are so great
that they cannot be taken lightly.
Here and there throughout America, voices are
heard as individuals and groups begin to call on
God in prayer. Young evangelist Billy Graham's
voice is heard as he calls the nation and individ-
uals to repentance, to faith in Christ and to
But this whole nation must be moved to
prayer. So great are the dangers, so grave the
perils, so tremendous the political problems, so
important the election issues, that it is impera-
tive that we lay hold upon the Lord God in
prayer for His will.
Yes, prayer can save America! But we cannot
really lay hold upon a holy God until we have
come to know Him as our Father. So that we
might know Him, the loving Father sent His Son
to be the Saviour: “For God so loved the world,
that He gave His only begotten Son, that who-
soever believeth in Him should not perish, but
have everlasting life. ... As many as received
him, to them gave He power to become the sons
of God, even to them that believe on His Name”
Cohn 3:16; 1:12).
Yes, prayer can save America. There is only
one way out, and that is up! If we do not turn to
God, we will be enveloped by godless Com-
munism, It is either revival or ruin! It is now or
never! The answer will not be found in the U.N.
or NATO. The answer will be found only when
we are spiritually awakened and call upon the
Lord our God. Spiritual values must be restored.
We must return to the faith of our fathers, to the
God of our mothers—and to the family altar with
its prayer.
Let's each one lay hold of this tremendous
promise given by God: “If my people, which are
called by my name, shall humble themselves, and
pray, and seek my face, and turn from their
wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and
will forgive their sin,and will heal their land
(II Chronicles 7:14).
—C ype H. DENNIS
A world-wide, nonprofit Christian literature ministry ""=!°
Write for FREE samples and information
+ parents cee
> Millions of lost souls will stand in the judg-
ment day before the Great White Throne
and, hearing their condemnation, will hyster-
ically scream, “I accuse my parents.”
There are thousands of parents who have
given their children everything but God.
They have provided them with nourishing
food, warm clothing and liberal educations
. . . but no Saviour. They have showered
them with gifts and protected them from
harm ... but have not provided a family
- They have read to them Dick Tracy and
Superman, but not the Bible. They have tak-
en them to the movies, but not to Sunday
school. They have cursed before their chil-
dren, but never prayed. Thus thousands of
children have lived to curse their parents
for bringing them into the world and raising
them without Christ.
One of America’s great moral problems
today is juvenile delinquency. The majority
of criminal offenses are being committed by
teen-agers. They have no reverence for God
and thus no respect for authority. Public
I accuse my
schools have instilled their anti-Bible philo-
sophy of “behaviorism” in their heads and
they are expressing themselves to the utter
consternation of educators, statesmen, clergy-
men and police.
Juvenile delinquency is but the out-growth
of adult delinquency. The son will be no
better than his father, the daughter no better
than her mother. A God-less, Bible-less,
drunken father will produce an equally
worthless son. A smoking, beer-drinking,
gadabout mother will produce a loose-living
and pleasure-loving daughter.
God Almighty will hold you parents ac-
countable for sending your children to hell.
Judge Healy of the Juvenile Court of Detroit,
addressing a Young People’s Rally on July
7, 1945, said, “Eighty percent of the young-
sters arraigned in my court came from homes
in which there has been no religious train-
ing.” Bible-less homes produce potential
The breakdown of morals among our
youth is the direct result of throwing the
Bible out of the homes, schools, and churches
of America. Boys and girls who are already
reaping the disastrous results of their sinful
orgies, are already crying, “I accuse my
parents; they never told me about God,
Christ, the Bible, sin or sex.”
To be responsible for the demoralization
of a youngster is a crime of colossal propor-
tions. If your child goes to hell, it will be,
to a great extent, your fault. If you are on
your way to the lake of fire, your child is
following in your footsteps.
Friend, you can lead your children to
heaven or to hell. The sole solution is for
you to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your
personal Saviour. “This is a faithful saying,
and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ
Jesus came into the world to save sinners”
(I Timothy 1:15). Believe God’s Word and
receive His Son now—and you will be saved.
Then you must begin living for your Lord
in your home by immediately establishing a
time each day when you gather your family
together for prayer and the reading of the
Bible. Then, by God’s help, endeavor to lead
your children to the Saviour, who in turn
will keep them from the pollutions of this
world. “For the wages of sin is death; but
the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus
Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23).
—Davw D. ALLEN
GOOD NEWS PUBLISHERS, Westchester, III. 2005
A world-wide, nonprofit Christian literature ministry “as
Write for FREE samples and information
vou [CT-sig You
@ A sailor speaking to a passenger on one of
the Great Lakes steamer a few years ago
said, “There are about 1500 religions in the
world; how do you know you’re right?”
“How does your Captain know he’s right
when he wants to steer a straight course for
port, but owing to a heavy fog he can’t see
the harbor lights?” I asked in reply.
“Why, he goes by the chart and compass.”
“Just so, and on this one vital point as to
how a man can be just before God, and know
that he is sure of eternal salvation, we may
know that we are absolutely right. God has
not left us to find our own course across the
sea of time without a chart to guide us. The
Word of God is a lamp to our feet and a light
for our path, Without it we would grope in
darkness, like a ship that has lost its rudder
on a starless night. It is both a revelation
from God and a revelation of God, showing
us our true condition as sinners before Him,
and His great love in sending ‘His only be-
gotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him
should not perish, but have everlasting life’
(John 3:16) .”
There are many shades of “religious be-
liefs” in this poor storm-tossed sea, but we
must set them all aside as worthless and as the
ways of men, which Scripture says are the
ways of death (Proverbs 16:25). The Lord
Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the
ife: no man cometh unto the Father, but
by Him (John 14:6). His death upon the
cross has opened the way for sinners to come
to God, and this is the only way; there is no
We may differ on other points of greater
or less importance, but we must agree on
this main issue, that “the blood of Jesus
Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin”
(I John 1:7), if we expect to anchor in the
haven of eternal peace.
Faith believes what God says, and what
God requires, and receives the blessing. The
captain of a steamer once told me that he
did not know why he pulled his ship from
what seemed to be the right course, when a
heavy fog prevented his sighting an island in
Lake Superior; but that action saved his ves-
sel from’ being wrecked, and I suggested that
God is the Preserver of all men, specially of
those that believe (I Timothy 4:10). But he
thought he was on the right course, and had
he remained there, seeking to “reason it out”
with himself and his mates, it would have
resulted in the loss of the ship and probably
of all its precious crew.
It is not a question of “opinion,” dear
reader, but what saith the Scriptures? That
Chart is accurate; it has never led any astray;
never caused any to make shipwreck of their
lives, but has brought life, péace, joy and
happiness to countless thousands. Took it
over, read it, believe it, and you'll not be
troubled with the question, “Who is right?”
“He that believeth on the Son hath ever-
lasting life: and he that believeth not the
Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God
abideth on him” (John 3:36).
GOOD NEWS PUBLISHERS, Westchester, Ill. 1T01
A world-wide, nonprofit Christian literature ministry “,=.°
Write for FREE samples and information
526 woreland Ave-Nof
. Personal.
Mayor Ivan O. Allen, ur.,
3700 Northside vrive,.n.W.,
Atlanta, Georvia.
ci aan
pe una
ae ees ' Bow
LAL tha VelcLn, hou
tte tae Pd
Hef aoe eee
Haut Ee
treothe. CLEA: im aes
ee ee i 2% a
TIN Nek We
oo ——— — = -—- -_—— 7
OT 8 oO
. MM >
Zs ; VAL OE Lp
ro" j