Box 19, Folder 8, Document 2

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Box 19, Folder 8, Document 2

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— 526 moreland Ave.N.b.,
Uctober drd,1966.

Mayor Ivan allen,Jr.,
3700 Northside wurive,N.W.,
atlanta, ueorgia.

Vear Mayor Allen:
"Grace to you and peace firom
God our rather, and the Lord vesus Ubrist."

First, we thank our heavenly tather for protect-
ing your life during the recent riots in atlanta.
A friend phoned me and said,"We ought to pray for
Mayor Allen." "I have been praying for him" I re-
plied Sbut will pray further." also in our Tuesday
prayer meeting in Faith memorial Uhurch prayer
was requested for you. We thank uod for nis pro-
tecting care over you and for the wisdom nk gave
you during that crisis.

more recently i heard you on Television express
yourself in a manner that grieved our hearts after
the ProWerbs 16:32 we read,“He that

is slow to anger is better than the mighty;and he
that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city." —
Again in vroverbs 4:23,"Keep thy heart with all !
diligence;for out of it are the issues of life.”

In Proverbs 10:19, In the multitude of words there
wanteth not sin: but he that refraineth his lips

is wise." Let us pray for FAITH in GOD to work out
HIS plan. 'Faith is the victory that overcomes

the world. "Looking diligently lest any man fail of
the grace of God;lest any root of bitterness spring
-ing up trouble you,and thereby many be defiled."
Hebrews 12:15.

uod bless you,wayor Allen, and help you in your
difficult position. nis Word says,"MY Grace is
sufficient for you." Jesus Loves you:


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