Box 19, Folder 8, Document 38

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Box 19, Folder 8, Document 38

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Mayer Allen; why dent yeu anneunce on a write-in vete
the candidacy fer Weltners place in Cengress, even the
Weltner felt that hegweuld lese and te save face with-
drew,-, however I dont think he weuld have lest since
his discrict is prigtipally the black pewer area of
Atlanta,=- and since”Ellis pelled 92jvef this vete, I
fer ene feel that: yeu would easily pell 1004, Plus.
surely yeu sheuld,- thus yeu weuld get it in a walk,
and many peeple weuld vete fer you that weuld net ether
wise=- I feel, te get you out of the Mayers effice new
this weuld be yeur wonderfull chance to go te Washingt
and yeu cevld then further your mevements aginst all
the people, net just the Atlanta felks whe are a smal.
majerity of the entire colered dominated Natien new.
Why Weltner withdrew will be quite a jelt te his fel-
lewers, he new cant persue the Kheh he seemd so afroid
ef, ner can he push the DIS arming of white people.
The riets also helped shew peeple what they NEED here


Henl Ivan Allen,
Mayer of Atlanta,
Executive Office,
Atlante, Geergia.


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