Box 19, Folder 9, Complete Folder

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Box 19, Folder 9, Complete Folder

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Atlanta, Georgia
October 1, 1966

Ivan Allen, Jr-, Mayor
City of Atlanta,

City Hall,

Atlanta, Georgia

September 28, 1966.

Dear Mre Allen:

I think this speech was very 2
damageing (not to Mr. Maddox) but to you, yourself.
It will long be remembered that you called us
ignorant because we chose Mre Maddox for our next
Governor of Georgia.

I cone in contact with a lot
of people every day, and they all say that your
speech was dephorable, and that you had no right
to question the peoplets choice and to call us
ignorant because we elected Mr. Maddox instead
of your millionaire friend, Mr. Arnall. You
seem to have the mistaken idea — that if you are
not a millionaire, like yourself, you are ignorant.

It is the consenus of opinion
of all whom I contact itil that you should have
let Mr. King speak for himself, as I feel sure
he wontt be running for any public office.

up for whats pignt.'™ lad that Mr. Maddox stands


Raymond Q, Hix Sr,
2856 Diana Dr. SW
Atlanta 15, Ga,
October 2, 1966

Ivan Allen:

From your speech to the papers for publication,

I believe that you used up all of the phrases and
expletives that you could think of to berate and
lower the MAJORITY of the voters that voted in
the run-off, election, they fit the ones that voted
for Arnold/thah°they do for the Maddox voters, I
would be willing to bet you that there were more
voters that signed their names with an X that
voted for Arnold than voted for Maddox and Maddox

At least the ones that voted for Maddox were ALL

or any of the other OFF-BEAT BEATNICKS like your-
self and a lot of the others in Atlanta that
voted for Arnold,

the Ultra-Ultra Liberals are a lot worse loosers
than the Conservatives are, the Liberals want to
control the whole world, make one world government
out of it,

I HOPE that in the Next Election that we can get
RID of you and YOUR IIK in the City of Atlanta,

I was born in the City of Atlanta city limits

as it was in 1912, and I am ashamed of the City
of Atlanta and have been for QUITE a FEW YEARS

Payyrork g .

Iven Allen
How low can a (so called) man get?

You are a disgrace to the human race.



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—— ee es
ATLANTA, Ga. (AP)—Lester
G. Maddox, a segregationist
running a shoestring campaign,
has captured the Democratic
nomination for governor—upset-
ting a moderate candidate and
Georgia's middleroad racial

Maddox, a furniture merchant
who quit the cafeteria business
rather than be forced to serve
Negroes, decisively defeated
|Ellis G, Arnall, a former gov-
‘enor, in yesterday’s primary
runoff. Arnall had led a. six-
man race two weeks ago.

“God and the people are my
campaign managers,” exulted
Maddox, 50, after pulling off the
upset without big-money back-
ers or the support of highrank-
ing politicians. reported the vote
‘count stood at: Maddox 419,557,
Arnall 356,078,

Not a Racial Campaign

A fiery opponent of the federal
government, President Johnson,
liberalism, socialism and com-
munism, Maddox says he shares
the racial views of Alabama’s
Gov. George C. Wallace. But
}Maddox said very little about
\racial issues in his campaign.

Arnall, 59, who scored a major
upset two decades ago to win the
governorship over the popular

Eugene Talmadge, had charged
in the runoff t that Mad-
dox was radical and an ex-

tremist, a man whose symbols
were ax handles and pistols.

Segregationist Tops Arnall
In Georgia Democrat Runoff

A Look at the Lester Maddox Politi-
cal Method. Page A-12

Maddox, in resisting integra-
tion in 1964 and 1965, once waved
a pistol to chase Negroes from
his place and provided ax
handles for white patrons. When
ordered by a court to serve
Negroes, Maddox quit the
cafeteria business.

Arnall met Maddox to concede
personally. Some followers of
Arnall said Republicans voted
for Maddox as the easier oppo-
nent for their nominee in No-

Taking on Maddox in the first
Georgia two-party contest for
governor since Reconstruction
will be Rep. Howard H. (Bo)
Callaway, the state’s lone Re-
publican congressman. He is a
conservative ex-Democrat who
helped carry the state for Barry
Goldwater in 1964.

The voting patterns were
jumbled strangely—adding at
least some weight to the view
that Republicans voted for
Maddox. In the Goldwater
strongholds of Macon, Augusta
and Columbus, Arnall managed
bare majorities after leading the
field two weeks ago in those
same cities.

In the lieutenant governor’s
race, the voters nominated
moderate George T. Smith,
speaker of the Georgia House,
over conservative Peter Zack
Geer, the incumebnt.

Geer told newsmen last night:
“I want to tell you one more
time—I’m still the lieutenant
governor of the white folks, ’m
glad Lester Maddox beat Ellis

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.,
who lives in Atlanta, said the
voting “revealed that Georgia is
desperately competing with
Mississippi for the bottom.”

“T must confess that Mr.
Maddox’s victory causes me to
be ashamed to be a Georgian.
This pretends that the days
ahead in race relations will be
confusingly dreary and the
nights will be darker than a
thousand midnights.”’

Maddox takes charge of the
almost completely disorganized
Democratic party which under
Gov. Carl E. Sanders has
steered a moderate

Maddox will control the state
delegation to the Democratic
National Convention in 1968 and
serve as titular party chief, even
i he loses to Callaway on Nov.

racial |

Wallace is expected to run for
president on a third-party ticket
in “68.

Other Results

In other contests yesterday,
Rep. G. Elliott Hagan won re-
nomination to Congress from
Georgia’s 1st District, beating

See MADDOX, Page A-6

: a FR Wee


Thursday night, September 29, 1966

ivan Allen;

That "little speech" you made tonight on the
Huntley-Brinkley News got I'm sure at least
50,000 votes for Mr. Maddox. The only advice
I can offer #% you and you brother in crime,
Martin Luther King, is to keep your mouth shut

and continue to kiss nigger asses,

A voter

had val, foe Pee. )


en cetera

VP Meth tate er 2 Bitten
‘ é é :

‘Mayor Denounces

-Maddox' Victory


Mayor Allen said Thursday that the “seal of the great
state of Georgia lies tarnished’ because Lester Maddox won
the Democratic nomination for governor. |

He also said:

“Tt is deplorable that the conv

bined forces of ignorance, preju-
dice, reactionism and the du-
plicity of many Republican vot-
hers) Have thrust tipon™ the state
of Georgia Lester Maddox, a
| totally Unqualifiell individual as
the Démocratic nominee* for

Mr. Allen won office in”1961
by defeating Mr. Maddox in a
runoff. In the gubernatorial race
this year he had openly sup-
ported Ellis Arnall.

He reacted to the Maddox vic-
tory in a statement that was
at least: as strongly worded and
to the point as any he has made
as mayor.

Then, during a press confer-
ence, he let loose and said much
more in the same vein.

Mr. Allen was asked several
times during the press confer-
ence whether he might not en-
dorse and support Republican
Howard (Bo) Callaway in thé
general election.

He had a variety of answers
including one that won't do Mr.
Callaway any harm.

Mr. Allen first said Mr. Calla-

_way hasn’t sought his support

and that, besides, he wouldnit
_try to influence the votes af
| ether Georgians.
_ Later he said he might simply
| go fishing Nov, 8, the general
election date.

Finally he ended up saying he
| looks upon Mr. Callayay, “as8
_man of intelligence,
background, a man of ‘ae

nd integrity who could bring
honesty and decency to the

MAYOR ALLEN nonetheless
took a poke at “smart alec Re-
_ publicans’ who, according to
him, voted for Mr. Maddox ih
the Democratic runoff primary
He declared that one thing he


intends to_work’ for ardently is
a state*faw that will force Re-
publicans to vote in a Repub-
lican primary and Democrats
to vote in a Democratic pri-

“Unless we do get on this
basis, then the hope for a two-
partyssystem will be lost, in
light of the duplicity. that oc-

curred yesterday,” he said.


Mayor. Allen said that racial |

prejudice and reaction to At-|

lanta’s Negro riots figured in|

the way Georgians had voted on

put aside their prejudices and
begin to realize that a large
segment of our population that

and privileges as American
citizens,” he said.


“It is déplérable that the tom-
bined forces of ignorance, prej-
udice, reactionism and the du-
plicity of many Republican vot-
ers have thrust upon the state
of Georgia Lester Maddox, a
totally unqualified individual, as
the Democratic nominee for

“For the past quarter cen-
tury our state has been out-
standing in olf region as the
advocate of sanity and reason,
and as the champion of prog-

“The seal of the great state
of Georgia lies tarnished..

“The wisdom, justice and
moderation espoused by our
founding fathers must not he
surrendered to the rabble of
prejudice, extremism, buffoon-
ery and incompetency.

“We cannot permit our state’s
progress to be stopped and re-

“Tt is high time all Georgians |

is Negro is entitled to full rights |;

HERE IS the statement in its

aversed by yesterday’s mistake.”



One of the " Sick "
420,000 Maddox supporters


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