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Box 19, Folder 9, Document 14
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‘Mayor Denounces
-Maddox' Victory
Mayor Allen said Thursday that the “seal of the great
state of Georgia lies tarnished’ because Lester Maddox won
the Democratic nomination for governor. |
He also said:
“Tt is deplorable that the conv
bined forces of ignorance, preju-
dice, reactionism and the du-
plicity of many Republican vot-
hers) Have thrust tipon™ the state
of Georgia Lester Maddox, a
| totally Unqualifiell individual as
the Démocratic nominee* for
Mr. Allen won office in”1961
by defeating Mr. Maddox in a
runoff. In the gubernatorial race
this year he had openly sup-
ported Ellis Arnall.
He reacted to the Maddox vic-
tory in a statement that was
at least: as strongly worded and
to the point as any he has made
as mayor.
Then, during a press confer-
ence, he let loose and said much
more in the same vein.
Mr. Allen was asked several
times during the press confer-
ence whether he might not en-
dorse and support Republican
Howard (Bo) Callaway in thé
general election.
He had a variety of answers
including one that won't do Mr.
Callaway any harm.
Mr. Allen first said Mr. Calla-
_way hasn’t sought his support
and that, besides, he wouldnit
_try to influence the votes af
| ether Georgians.
_ Later he said he might simply
| go fishing Nov, 8, the general
election date.
Finally he ended up saying he
| looks upon Mr. Callayay, “as8
_man of intelligence,
background, a man of ‘ae
nd integrity who could bring
honesty and decency to the
MAYOR ALLEN nonetheless
took a poke at “smart alec Re-
_ publicans’ who, according to
him, voted for Mr. Maddox ih
the Democratic runoff primary
He declared that one thing he
intends to_work’ for ardently is
a state*faw that will force Re-
publicans to vote in a Repub-
lican primary and Democrats
to vote in a Democratic pri-
“Unless we do get on this
basis, then the hope for a two-
partyssystem will be lost, in
light of the duplicity. that oc-
curred yesterday,” he said.
Mayor. Allen said that racial |
prejudice and reaction to At-|
lanta’s Negro riots figured in|
the way Georgians had voted on
put aside their prejudices and
begin to realize that a large
segment of our population that
and privileges as American
citizens,” he said.
“It is déplérable that the tom-
bined forces of ignorance, prej-
udice, reactionism and the du-
plicity of many Republican vot-
ers have thrust upon the state
of Georgia Lester Maddox, a
totally unqualified individual, as
the Democratic nominee for
“For the past quarter cen-
tury our state has been out-
standing in olf region as the
advocate of sanity and reason,
and as the champion of prog-
“The seal of the great state
of Georgia lies tarnished..
“The wisdom, justice and
moderation espoused by our
founding fathers must not he
surrendered to the rabble of
prejudice, extremism, buffoon-
ery and incompetency.
“We cannot permit our state’s
progress to be stopped and re-
“Tt is high time all Georgians |
is Negro is entitled to full rights |;
HERE IS the statement in its
aversed by yesterday’s mistake.”