Dublin Core
Box 3, Folder 4, Document 79
Text Item Type Metadata
December 2, 1969
Mr. Les Percelis bs
Executive Director a
Atlanta Housing Authority
824 Hutt Building
Atlanta, Georgia 30302
Dear Les:
Herewith is a draft of a Sub-Lease Agreement between the City of
Atlanta and the Atlanta Transit System, Inc., submitted for approval
by the Housing Authority, owner and Lessor of the subject property,
As you are aware, the City of Atlanta proposes to sub-lease the pre-
mises to the Atlanta Transit System, Inc., for "Project Intercept" --
a joint effort of the City, Atlanta Transit, and Central Atlanta Pro-
gress, Inc., to relieve the central business district of traffic con-
gestion. The premises will be used for parking only, with shuttle-
bus service being provided to and from the downtown area.
Please note that the draft of the Sub-Lease Agreement satisfied the
requirements set forth in paragraph (8) of the City-Housing Authority
Lease Agreement. Also, except in minor modifications, the terms
of the Lease Agreement and those of the draft of the Sub-Lease are
substantially the same.
We certainly appreciate your co-operation, and trust that a prompt
response to our request will be forthcoming.
Very truly yours,
Dan E. Sweat, Jr.
Chief Administrative Officer
DESI r:sm
Mr. Les Percelis bs
Executive Director a
Atlanta Housing Authority
824 Hutt Building
Atlanta, Georgia 30302
Dear Les:
Herewith is a draft of a Sub-Lease Agreement between the City of
Atlanta and the Atlanta Transit System, Inc., submitted for approval
by the Housing Authority, owner and Lessor of the subject property,
As you are aware, the City of Atlanta proposes to sub-lease the pre-
mises to the Atlanta Transit System, Inc., for "Project Intercept" --
a joint effort of the City, Atlanta Transit, and Central Atlanta Pro-
gress, Inc., to relieve the central business district of traffic con-
gestion. The premises will be used for parking only, with shuttle-
bus service being provided to and from the downtown area.
Please note that the draft of the Sub-Lease Agreement satisfied the
requirements set forth in paragraph (8) of the City-Housing Authority
Lease Agreement. Also, except in minor modifications, the terms
of the Lease Agreement and those of the draft of the Sub-Lease are
substantially the same.
We certainly appreciate your co-operation, and trust that a prompt
response to our request will be forthcoming.
Very truly yours,
Dan E. Sweat, Jr.
Chief Administrative Officer
DESI r:sm