Box 19, Folder 9, Document 65

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Box 19, Folder 9, Document 65

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september 30,1966

Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
3700 Northside Drive N. W.
Atlanta, Ga.

Dear "Carbon Paper" Allen:

The dignity of a man who is mayor of our Atlanta was lost
entirely yesterday with your deplorable comments about
Mr. Maddox. To condescend to refer to him as "Drumstick
Chicken Maddox" is one of the worst remanks that I have
ever heard.

In his reply, Mr. Maddox said that you sounded like
Martin Luther King. Mr. King says that the State of Ga.
is sick, and in my opinion HE is the one wno is sick---
in the head! With his communistic viewpoints he belongs
in Russia and we do not care what he thinks of our
wonderful State.

I have never voted for Lester Maddox in my life, nor do I
ever intend to cast a ballot for him. However, he has
made an honest living and, though it be with chickens,
there is certainly no disgrace to this. You inherited
your's- yes- it was handed down on a silver platter!

Many of us are not so fortunate!

It would be well for you to take a lesson from some of
our intelligent politicians who are discreet at the
more aetet times and prove it by saying nothing.

sin rely,\

Jaa, te AMAA
(Mrs.) Betty mM. itp


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