Box 19, Folder 11, Document 3

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Box 19, Folder 11, Document 3

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Mr. Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor
City of Atlanta

City Hall

Mitchell Street Siw.
Atlanta, Georgia

Dear Mayor Allen:

In regards to the recent victory of Mr. Lester
Maddox, in the election for Governor of our fair State,
I believe you have made some rather unfair remarks toward
this man and cast a bad reflection on about 400,000
Georgia Citizens who voted for him.

You call yourself a Democrat, I call you a fraud.
You have no right as Mayor of this City to put yourself
in the positicn you have by these remarks, simply because
your choice of candidate did not win.

You called Mr. Maddox "incompetent, and unqualified"
for this office, you also added a long list of other
adjectives, to describe this man, the choice of the people.

I call on you sir, to show the public, any list of educational,
standards, or breeding that a person must have to run for
public office.

Our Country was founded on one thing, "the voice of
the people;" whereby we have the freedom of choice to run for
office, to elect, any person, regardless of race, creed or
color, or educational background to any office.

T personally feel that even though I may not have the
social position, education, or financial security that YOU
have, I am by no means "ignorant and irresponsible", I am
thankful that I have the Grace of God in my heart and will go
along with the way the majority votes because it is the voice
of the people,

You must remember that it was a vast majority of these
so called “ignorant" citizens that voted to put you in office
and I don't remember hearing you complain then, Furthermore,
if you had thought that Mr. Maddox was going to win, why didn't
you have the guts to resign and run yourself, and sce how the
"ignorant" people would have voted.
Continued - Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. - page 2

I think, you as Mayor of the City of Atlanta should
in all due respect, retract your statements and issue an
apology. Not only to the man that the people have elected to
run, but also to the people of the State.

I have not signed this letter because I have relatives
who work for the City of Atlanta and I know what sort of
trouble it could cause them. Let's just say that I am one
irate citizen who is appalled at your present outlook.

Lester Maddox
Atlanta Journal
Atlanta Constitution


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