Dublin Core
Box 19, Folder 11, Document 44
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September 30, 1966
Augusta Ga,
Msyor Ivan Allen
City Hall
Atlanta Ga,
Dear Sir;
In reference to your recent statement you made concerning Mr, Lester
Maddox( Democratic Nominee For Governor), I wish to enter a strong protest
to you personally for your statement you made to the people of Ga," that
he was elected by the combined forces of ignorance, prejudice, reactionisn,
and the duplicity of many Republican vogers", I wish to inform you that my
right to vote is my God given right of our Constitution and I consider ny
not ignorant but three years of high school education here in Augusta,
and it may be true that I do not have the political knowsb-how in politics
as you may possess and I consider it a disgrace to the people of our good
tate of Ga, for you to make a public statement" calling the people of Ga,
ignorant because they voted for Mr. Maddéx". In my opinion you owe the people
of @a, an apology for making a statement as that, I vote for whom I want to
vote for and I certainly do not appreciate if some one called me ignorant
because I did not vote for their hand picked candidate, I am a World War II
veteran and we fought for the right to vote as we please and I think you
should apologize for the recent statement you made, Mr, Allen, fer your
information I do not claim te posses all the brains that are to be had and
I am certainly not a "crank" but a statement such as this from the mayor of
our capitol city of Atlanta Ga, certainly "shakes me up". There are plenty of
citizens here in Augusta also take exception to your statement and the¢ too
want to inform you that they are not stupid or ignorant as your statement may
imply. I voted for Mr, lester Maddox in the Democratic run off and if the good
lord is willing, I intend to certainly vote for Mr. Maddox in the general election
in November, I do not say that people are ignorant because my candidate lost,
I feel like that if that is what the majority want it is alright with me. I an
not a Republican and have always voted the Democratic ticke¥” so do not accuse me
of being a Republican, I am not a rabbi ~ rouser so do not accuse me of being a
hate - monger, and I am certainly not imcometent as I have a fairly good education,
I would like to suggest to you that in the future if your candidate should lose, do
not call the people ignorant because they did not vote your way, I would like to
know," Who do you think you are calling me stupid, ignorant, and imedbetent because
I did not vote for your candidate". I only wish I were a citizen of Atlanta where
I could vote against you, but according to you, I am ignorant because I did not vote
for you. I suggest you handle the mayop'é offive in Atlanta and let the people of Ga,
vote as they please, sade ¢ “iad Z
OU, a ¢ ana’ AA
C.C. Mr. Lester Maddox ue a O Brook At.
Atlanta Ga,
5 :
Augusta Ga,
Msyor Ivan Allen
City Hall
Atlanta Ga,
Dear Sir;
In reference to your recent statement you made concerning Mr, Lester
Maddox( Democratic Nominee For Governor), I wish to enter a strong protest
to you personally for your statement you made to the people of Ga," that
he was elected by the combined forces of ignorance, prejudice, reactionisn,
and the duplicity of many Republican vogers", I wish to inform you that my
right to vote is my God given right of our Constitution and I consider ny
not ignorant but three years of high school education here in Augusta,
and it may be true that I do not have the political knowsb-how in politics
as you may possess and I consider it a disgrace to the people of our good
tate of Ga, for you to make a public statement" calling the people of Ga,
ignorant because they voted for Mr. Maddéx". In my opinion you owe the people
of @a, an apology for making a statement as that, I vote for whom I want to
vote for and I certainly do not appreciate if some one called me ignorant
because I did not vote for their hand picked candidate, I am a World War II
veteran and we fought for the right to vote as we please and I think you
should apologize for the recent statement you made, Mr, Allen, fer your
information I do not claim te posses all the brains that are to be had and
I am certainly not a "crank" but a statement such as this from the mayor of
our capitol city of Atlanta Ga, certainly "shakes me up". There are plenty of
citizens here in Augusta also take exception to your statement and the¢ too
want to inform you that they are not stupid or ignorant as your statement may
imply. I voted for Mr, lester Maddox in the Democratic run off and if the good
lord is willing, I intend to certainly vote for Mr. Maddox in the general election
in November, I do not say that people are ignorant because my candidate lost,
I feel like that if that is what the majority want it is alright with me. I an
not a Republican and have always voted the Democratic ticke¥” so do not accuse me
of being a Republican, I am not a rabbi ~ rouser so do not accuse me of being a
hate - monger, and I am certainly not imcometent as I have a fairly good education,
I would like to suggest to you that in the future if your candidate should lose, do
not call the people ignorant because they did not vote your way, I would like to
know," Who do you think you are calling me stupid, ignorant, and imedbetent because
I did not vote for your candidate". I only wish I were a citizen of Atlanta where
I could vote against you, but according to you, I am ignorant because I did not vote
for you. I suggest you handle the mayop'é offive in Atlanta and let the people of Ga,
vote as they please, sade ¢ “iad Z
OU, a ¢ ana’ AA
C.C. Mr. Lester Maddox ue a O Brook At.
Atlanta Ga,
5 :