Box 19, Folder 11, Document 77

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Box 19, Folder 11, Document 77

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Atlanta, Georgia

September 30, 1966

Mr. Iwan Allen, Mayor
City of Atlanta
Atlanta City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia

My Dear Sirs

Just a comment regarding the present political
confusion resulting from the selection of Mr. Maddox
as the Democratic Nominee for Governor,

It is strange to me, that since this situation was
directly brought about by the stupidity of the higher
echelon Democratic Party members, you shouscd be so
upset at the results.

| am unable to understand end was not able to comprehend
the support of Mr, Arnall by yourself, the Atlante news
papers, Mr. Mills Lane and numerous other influential
Democrate when certainly there must have been someone
younger, more well known, and actually more capable to
support during this campaign, Atlanta and Georgia have
changed considerably in the past few years. It is evident
to myself even though | have been a Georgian for only

the past six years. Georgia is a wigorous, ambitious,
young state with considerable influx of this same type
people into the state. Certainly they did not want to vote
for this unknown to the relatively new forces in the state.
They were Icoking for @ young, vigorous, young man to

place in the governors office. Why, were you and the other
forces not able to offer them something better.sccssece

then Lester would not have gained so much. ! am looking
forward to following the campaign closely, trusting that
Bo Calloway will now step forward and offer this state

exactly what you and others should have help provide.aces
not sit back in your stew and rave and rant,

The vote for Mr. Maddox reflects the feeling of a great
part of this country, including the presidency. People
are disturbed, misled, forced into not only social, but
also business situations they don’t want and don’t believe
to be truly American. So, you and others throughout the
State and Country can look for more upsets in the political
flelds because the people are upset. Your standing on the
top of a car to plead with a group of wild ones was not
courage..e. it was stupidity. This same thing is what is
bringing about the unrest, not the fact colored people

are being given the Civil Liberties they deserve. . . « it
is just ridiculous leadership and the condescending, weak
kissing of elbows when actually they are breaking laws.
Paae Two.

| think it time a lot of us stood and took
stock in what is happening, in Georgia, in
the South and particularly in our entire

Mr, Dirksen would not support another Civil Rights
bill this year, He is beginning to see the light.
Others throughout the North are alsoOweses. why not
right here where it has been going on for years?

One thing ih closing, Mr. Mayor, you yourself shoulc
think.»see for | doubt, if you were up for re-election
tomorrow that you would win,

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