Box 19, Folder 12, Document 21

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Box 19, Folder 12, Document 21

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Atlanta, Georgia,
September 30, 1966

Ivan Allen, Jre,
Mayor (7),

City of Atlanta,
Atlanta, Georgia.

Dear Sirs
I am trying my best to write this letter without the use of profanity.

Your remarks concerning the nomination of Lester Maddox were highly
irregular, false, and unwarranted.

You implied that everyone voting for Mre Maddox did not have the intellectual
ability to distinguish the difference between day and night.

I know the difference myself and apparently you don't -- for you sure den't
know the differense between white end black.

Your stupid and idiotie remarks probably helped Mr. Maddox receive more
votes than he would have received.

In closing let me offer the prayer that when you go home tonight to your
kennel, I hope your mother bites you. You've certainly got enough sense
to figure that cut,

The next time your colored friends shake you off a car, I hope you fall
on your empty head.

Naturally, there will be no name,


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