Box 19, Folder 12, Document 30

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Box 19, Folder 12, Document 30

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== ae

Memphis, Tennessee.

September 29, 1966.

Hon, Ivan Allen,
Mayor, City of Atlanta,
Atlanta, Georgia.

Dear Mr. Mayor:

Ordinarily, it has never been my practice to
medcle in the politics of other states, but since your anti-
Maddux ststement was given national publicity tonight, this
will be an exception,

You indicate that Mr. Maddux is incompetent for
the governshin. By what standard do you make this appraisal?
Perhaps someone like yourself, one with strong appeals for the
demogog and irresponsible and quite willing to sacrifice our
American heritage and future wellbeing for momentary political
establishment. I'll Brant that Mr. Maddux is not the possessor
of such qualities, but having heard him speak in Memphis, I do
know that he has good common horse-sense. Like the Mohican Indian,
this is a lost quality which disappeared with the advent of modern
polititians, along with sanity and reason. You refer to "moderation"
as being espoused by the founding fathers. If by "moderation" is
meant its modern interpretation, then perhaps you should review
your history. But maybe your staement will pick up negro votes.

The reply’of Mr. Maddux to your statement was
unique and, most likely, correct. Indeed, your statement did
sound like something handed you by the reverend martin luther
king. This too, will pick up a lot of negro votess and maybe
another picture in the "Constitution."

j Yes, I saw you on television during the Atlanta
riot. You were a most pitiful sight running around and jumping
on cars while trying to reason with mobs of black apes, who had
taken over the streets and destroying everything in sight. And
to think, Atlanta was the model city where the negro was granted
every wish. But the sands of time are running out with definite
Signs pointing to roe control by the irresponsible 19%,

Incidentally, what were your official views on
Representative Bond's anti-Americen statements which led to his

Very truly yours,

B. L. Fonville,
3596 Mynders Avenue,
Memphis, Tenn, 38111


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