Box 19, Folder 12, Document 34

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Box 19, Folder 12, Document 34

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P.O. Box 2012 MAcON, GEORGIA 31203

The Laney Company
SINCE 1945

AREA CODE 912 - PHONE 745-8840

Oct 1 1966

Mr Ivan Allen
City Hall
Atlanta Ga.

Near Mr Allen:

More candidates for public office are elected by such blasts

as you delivered before a TV camera a few days ago than by their
own efforts, You not only blasted Mr Maddox but the voters them-
selves. They do not react any more favorably than you or I would
to being called “ignorant, backward, foolish etc." Your blast got
eae willing to be/at least one quarter million votes for Mr

Ralph McGill has apparently become a psychopath in his hatred of

the South. He came South full of dislike and false opinions of

the people of the South and has grown steadily worse-the reason is
because no one pays him any. attention except the Negro agitators-

he only hardens the, heart of Southerners to cling to their ideas

of preserving ou erublic and our race. They are "Stupid"™ enough

to be lieve thé@/intecration will destroy our nation quicker that
segresation. We all recognize the Negro as being the cancer that
will bankrupt and make of this nation the sorries/one on earth-

The have not nations are those that are either Nesro, or have Negro
blood in their veins. The voters for Mr Maddox are trving to resist
the steadily tightening noose of Federal dictatorship on every angle
of our lives even to running small community affairs. In many respec
s the dictatorship clamped on us by a foolish federal government is
moré brutal than anything behind the iron curtain.

Keep blasting Mr Allan, let Ralph and the rest of his editors and
columnists" keep up vilifving the South and its traditions and they
will elect Mr Maddox by the biggest landslide ever known.

This is respectfully submitted as my opinion and may perhaps be of
a teeny bit of value to you.

Sincerely Yours,

do 4

PS The biggest/orders I ever got and the best business friends I
have ever had came after complimenting my competitor and praising
whatever they had boucht from him. It just dont pay to knock.


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