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Box 19, Folder 12, Document 36
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171 Grady Avenue
Athens, Georgia
October 1, 1966
The Honorable Ivan Allen
Mayor of Atlanta
Atlanta, Georgia
This letter is in reference to your recent statement concerning the nom-=
ination of Lester Maddox as the Democratic candidate for Governor of the state
of Georgia.
I agree that Lester Maddox is totally unsuited as a gubernatorial candi-
date. But it appears to me that your comments were not of a constructive na-
ture; you tore down, but did nothing to fill the vacuum which you created.
While it may be a bitter pill to swallow, the fact is that one of two
men~-Lester Maddox or Howard Callaway--willbe the next governor of Georgia.
Your statements seem strangely two-faced. You say that "We cannot allow
our state's progress to be stopped and reversed by yesterday's mistake", but
say later that you will probably -"go fishing" on election daye These two
statements cannot co-exist; if you do indeed "eo fishing" on election day,
the people of this state will surely remember the hypocrisy with which you
I am not registered as a Republican--I have always voted for the best
man.. Therefore I sincerely urge you to publicly support Bo Callaway for Gov-
ernor.e The failure of a man in high political office to support the candidate
which he feels to be the best qualified in a political race solely because
this candidate is affiliated with another party, is pure cowardice. Do not
attempt to deceive yourself that the people of this state will not feel this
way about it. You have renounced Maddox too stronglye
When a man's position and not his principles determines his policies, it
is indeed time for new leadership.
The hour grows lates Will you allow partisan politics to stop you from
helping the state of Georgia defeat Lester Maddox?
My hope is that you will reconsider the position which you have taken,
and then publicly support the best qualified candidate-~Bo Callaway.
Thank you for your kind attention in this matter.
Sincerely, 2
yoy L Kirt
Jerry 5. Lorentz
Athens, Georgia
October 1, 1966
The Honorable Ivan Allen
Mayor of Atlanta
Atlanta, Georgia
This letter is in reference to your recent statement concerning the nom-=
ination of Lester Maddox as the Democratic candidate for Governor of the state
of Georgia.
I agree that Lester Maddox is totally unsuited as a gubernatorial candi-
date. But it appears to me that your comments were not of a constructive na-
ture; you tore down, but did nothing to fill the vacuum which you created.
While it may be a bitter pill to swallow, the fact is that one of two
men~-Lester Maddox or Howard Callaway--willbe the next governor of Georgia.
Your statements seem strangely two-faced. You say that "We cannot allow
our state's progress to be stopped and reversed by yesterday's mistake", but
say later that you will probably -"go fishing" on election daye These two
statements cannot co-exist; if you do indeed "eo fishing" on election day,
the people of this state will surely remember the hypocrisy with which you
I am not registered as a Republican--I have always voted for the best
man.. Therefore I sincerely urge you to publicly support Bo Callaway for Gov-
ernor.e The failure of a man in high political office to support the candidate
which he feels to be the best qualified in a political race solely because
this candidate is affiliated with another party, is pure cowardice. Do not
attempt to deceive yourself that the people of this state will not feel this
way about it. You have renounced Maddox too stronglye
When a man's position and not his principles determines his policies, it
is indeed time for new leadership.
The hour grows lates Will you allow partisan politics to stop you from
helping the state of Georgia defeat Lester Maddox?
My hope is that you will reconsider the position which you have taken,
and then publicly support the best qualified candidate-~Bo Callaway.
Thank you for your kind attention in this matter.
Sincerely, 2
yoy L Kirt
Jerry 5. Lorentz