Box 19, Folder 13, Document 2

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Box 19, Folder 13, Document 2

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'| teachers a $1,200 per year pay

| pledge,’ Callaway said.

'‘|in Florida and the closed-door

ATLANTA (UPI) — Guber-
natorial candidates Howard
(Bo) Callaway and Lester Mad-
dox exchanged barbs Tuesday
night when both addressed a
meeting of the Georgia Muni-
cipal Association,

Callaway, a Republican, ac-
cused his Democratic opponent
of making wild promises to get
himself elected and knowing full
well the money would not be
available to fulfill the promises,

“The old saying that money
doesn’t grow on trees apparent.
ly hasn't registered with my
opponent,’’ Callaway said,

The GOP nominee specifical-
ly accused Maddox of promis-
ing an education group to give

raise in the first year of his
administration ‘‘but he failed to
tell the public about this.’

‘He failed to tell them they
will have to foot a $200 million
bill in four years to fulfill his

He said Maddox also had |
promised to triple the normal

Lester, Bo Still
Exchanging Barbs

Both incidents were examples.

of ‘Maddox’s irresponsibil-
ity,’’ according to Callaway.

The republican pledged
support most of the major plat
forms of the GMA including
continuation of direct grants to
cities, new sources of local rey-
enue and tax relief for home-

Barbs Returned

Maddox, who addressed the
group later, let fly with barbs
even more pointed than Calla-

“Nothing but a fool would
say he would take politics out
of any department,’? Maddox
said. ‘He (Callaway) either is
a fool or thinks you are.’’

Callaway had pledged to take
politics out of the highway de-

“Bo Callaway and the bank-
ers that control him have
climbed down into the gutter of
hate,’’ Maddox continued,

Then, half joking, Maddox
said he had already been some-
what successful in his bid for

_| charged that he was offered

one — |
“Weltner has left Con s,

Johnson has left the country,
Martin Luther King has gone
north and I has gone

@arlier at Augusta, |!

Maddox said an out - of - state
building firm offered him $50,-
000 for his ‘political influ-

He said the firm--which he
refused to name — was inter-
ested in contracting with the
state. Maddox said he could

have picked up $50,000 in cash |

in Angusta Tuesday had he
agreed to go along with the

Maddox said he refused to
meet with the company’s rep-

It was the second time Mad-
dox has claimed offers of large
amounts of money. He earlier

$100,000 to drop out of the gov-
ernor’s race before the first
primary election.

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increase in local school finance-
ing and “he doesn’t have any
idea where you can raise that
kind of money.’’
Secret Meetings Cited

Callaway mentioned as well
that secret plane trip his oppo-
nent took to meet James Gray

meeting of Atlanta area Demo-
erats where Maddox is alleged
to -have promised toendorse the
1968 Democratic fieminees and
three Negroes running in state

Maddox has since denied he
made any such pact with Demo-

‘|to shroud the trip to Florida,

erats, calling the charge a ‘sin- |
ister plot.’’ Mystery continued


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