Box 3, Folder 5, Document 20

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Box 3, Folder 5, Document 20

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February 26, 12695


TOs Mr. Re Earl Raieena
Administrative Assistant

Pursuant to your instructions, I met February 24 with Lester -
Persolig, H. &. Satterfield, Gilbert Boggs and Howard Grigsby o2
the Housing Authority and on February 25 with Gill Wofford and
din Salth of the Building Departnont to insure appropriate
coordination pertaining to the attached Hemorandun,

As a veniteide shone Giscussions, the Housing Authority has
agread to report to the Building Departmont (Housing Code Division)
On a weekly basis, the names and addresses of families and
individuals which they have “ceortizied"™ to move into Public Housing,
because of substandard housing conditions. This report is to also
includes an appropriate date of anticipated WMOVe.

Upon receipt of this report, the Building Department proposes
to inspect the locations involved within two working days aiteor
receiving the reports and to initiate appropriate action whore
necessary for compliance with the Housing Code.

(The only Zallacy that I can see with yespect to this arrange-
mont is that currently tho Housing Authority takes the prospective
tonants word that thoy are living in substandard housing and
apparentiy makes no verigication of this. In discussing this point
with the Building Department, it appears that before cortifing a
family to move into Public Housing, because of living in sube
Standard housing, the Zamily involved should first request and
obtain a certificate from the Housing Code Division that the ult
is substandard and then present such cortificate to the Housing
Authority.) .

The Building Department hes been submitting requests to the
Housing Authority from the Housing Code Division aud tho Codes
Compliance Office (as xesult of Court action) separately for re-
location of igs dies. Tho Housing Authority has heretofore re«
portod back to the Building Department on a monthly basis these
families which they have relocated,

fred, 2 Ba Riera etn ine ee = ge ee

Mr. ft. Eari Landers
February 26, 1969
Page 2

(The Bulidine Department has now decided te consolidate its
reports, through the Housing Cede Division only, to the Housing
Authority, and the Housing Authority has agreed toa veport relocations
back to the Housing Code Division on a weckly basis.)

The Housing Authority has requested, and the Building Department
has agreod, that requests for relocation be nore specific than thoy
have been in tho past in order to provide better understanding as to
why relocation is necessary and determination as to when it should
bo goecomplished.

xv. EatterZicld suggested that he did not think that the Housing
Authority should approach a fanily to provide relocation assistance
until the property and the ueed therefor, had been adjudicatsd by
the Courts; thet otherwise the Housing Authority wight create
antagonism on the part of the Landlord, or disturbance of the tenants,
or both and therefore be criticized as acting unconstitutionaliy.

ZI pointed out that this would be entirely too slow and would not
accomplish tho desired results end that such delay is unacceptable,

It also developed that on the initial visit by a Housing
Authority Relocation Worker to a family, that ctempt is made then and
there to arrange for relocation (normally this is unsuccessful). Myr.
Persells sugcested that perhaps tho fivst visit to the property by
the Housing Authority Relocation Worker should bo purely exploratory
to find out what the circumstances are, with viouw to subsequently
making stazi determination as to appropriate action which should be
_ taken. f henartidly agrvoe. However, it was then brought out by the
Housing Authority that this type of visit is move in the nature of
secial work and that the Housing Authority has no Socinl Workers;
only Relocation Workers. It seons to mea that the selution is obvious.
The Relocation Vorkers should determine the social aspects, as part
of their relocation assicnmont, before tho tenants or the landlords
are notified that relocation is mandatory. if the initial visit was
done quitly and on an exploratory basis, much anxicty and disturbances
on tho part of the tenant; and annoyance and hestility on the part
of the landlord would bo considerably reduced and in most instances
could concciveabie be eliminated nll togethor. j
nd St Ane oS the NeGuU~AoS

The Housing Authority feels that in many d¥cneos—tho-requosie
from the Building Department for relocation are everly simplificd in
that the names end numbers of people sre usually not provided and,
4f veiccation is being requested in order to reduce overcrowding,
that the pcople r8quired to move and ones pernitted to remain are not
specified, :

lic, R. Earl Landers
February 26, 1969
Page 3

The Building Bepartuent foels that these details are functions
which could and should be doterminod by the Relocation Werkers, as
part of their relocation assignments, using the Housing Code as a
guide and should not be expected of the Housing Code Inspectors Bi
am inclincd to egree with the Building Departucat in this respect,
but have reguemted the Buliding Popartnent in migking dts requests to
the Housing Authority for relocation to be as Specific as practical.

In general, relocation consists of two categorics, LeQo,y femiiies
living in Urban Renewal projects and those Living outside of Urban
Renowal projects. The Housing Authority is authorised to provide
financial rolocation assistance to Zanilios residing in Urban Renewal
areas, These families also get number one pz ‘ovity, for Public Housing.
The Housine Authority clains that this presents no najor problem,
but that the principal dolaying factor in relocation of families
residing outside of Urban Renewal projects is financial ADOBELESY of
the fanilies to 70 provido funds for drayage, utility moter dopesits
and first month‘s rent, These families get second priority for Public
Housing, if vequired to move because of Housing Code Enforcement end
third priority, if moving ef their own volition. However, the Houcing
Authority has no xsunds fox providing the intial financial assistance
required for the inst two categorics and condequently, frequently,
weeks ang sometimes even nonths elaspe before tha families involved
are able to accumulate enough cach with which to meet these initisl
relocation expenses.

As a result, the Housing Authority has propos ed that it be
permitted to use, as an experiment, $2,000 from relocation funds
allecatod to it from the City of Atlanta, as a revolving fund and
from which the Housing Authority would, on its own deternination,
make no interest rate leans of fron S16 to $100 to such samilies,
to bo repaid to the Nousing Authority on a weekly basis over a
peviod of tima not to exceed one year.

Since it hag been pointed cut by the Administative Assistant
that the City of Atianta sppropriated funds cannot be used for this
purpose, I have contacted Bob Watkins, Director of tho Greater
Atlanta Housing Development Corperation, sugresting that his fund
make a grant o2 $3,500 to the Housing Authority for use by the
Housing Authority as a revolving fund for the _ SUPPOSE indicated
nbove and that in consideration “of such grant#, the Greator Atlanta
Housing Development Corporation require the Housing Authority to
make 9 somdieannual report to it as to the utilization and status
ef such fund. Bob Watkins thinks that he can get favorable action
on this propesal within 10 days,

Ur, Re Earl Landers
February 26, 1969
Page 4

i? this shoulé fail, Dan Sweat has contacted Jin Parkan of
EOA who thinks thet his organization may be able to assist by
pexuitting the Housing Authority to draw against cextain EOA funds
for the purpese described above.

I an requesting both the Housing Authority and the Building
Department to follow up closely on tho effectiveness of coordination
and cooperntion efforts enumerated in this paper and to advise me
of any breakdown which occurs ox of improvenent in procedures which
should he established,


Hinlcolm BD. Jones
Heusing Coordinator

HDT /ne
Encls: Meno dated Fob. 11, 1969

ce: Mx, Dan E. Sweat, Jr.


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