Box 19, Folder 14, Document 12

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Box 19, Folder 14, Document 12

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Atlanta ons chev on
September 28, 19

New. N.Y. Paper,

si 4,

New York’s new newspaper—The World Journal Tribipe—|,

is a lively, interesting, extremely informative sheet.

While the makeup leans to
that of the old World-Telegram,
it does not duplicate it. Some of
the format suggests the former
Herald-Tribune. Anyway, the ef-
fect is dramatic. Nothing, ex-
cept sheer lack of news, can
more effectively kill a newspa-
per than a dull makeup. W-J-T,
in this category, is tops.

It is also tops in many other
ways. Enumerating some of
these—and all are earmarks of
a great newspaper—the follow-
ing are obvious:

(1) Advertising is kept in its
proper place. The first page of
the second section is clear of
advertising. The first page of
the third section is clear of ad-
vertising. The first page of the
fourth section is clear of adver-
tising. Yet the paper as a whole
is full of advertising.

(2) There is ample*cayerage
of national and international

(3) The page opposite the edi-
torial page is also kept free of
advertising. Here, and on the
editorial page itself, are some
of the top columnists in the na-
tion — a total of nine at present.
True, it doesn’t have all of
them. It doesn’t have Joseph
Kraft or Doris Fleeson. But it
has enough of them that the
Justice department is crying
“Monopoly!” The present anti-
trust suit against the World
Journal Tribune is based on
just this contention. Dorothy
Schiff, New York Post publisher
—the new paper’s one evening
rival—claims she tried her best
to get some of them but
couldn’t. However this may be,
the W-J-T has two solid pages
of lively and provocative edi-
torial matter.


(4) It has a daily book review,
without which no metropolitan
newspaper can claim to be a
great mewspaper. Books
are newSi And the World
Journal ‘Telegrim, recognizes
the fact. Moreover, in this re-
speet it has som unique—
something that no @ther daily
fo in ica can
boast. listing of “Books Out
Teday,” which is broken down
into “Non-Fiction” and “Fic-

” is printed in large, clear

! No relegation to hard-to-| x

read six-point or agate type.

This is clamnly a first in Amer- |
ican journalism and reports).
from Fourth Avenue say it has
book readers cheering in the

(5) The new paper has sig-
nificant coverage of art, music,
the dance, thé theater, pho-
tography, ballet, motion pic-
tures, night clubs and — of].
course — radio and TV. No ma-
jor cultural activity is over-
looked. The coverage is more
complete than any of its three


(6) The sports section, with
two top columnists, Red Srhith )
and Jimmy Cannon, is prob-
ably unequaled in New Yiirk.
Key statistics, like baseball
standings, are printed in large,
clear type, nor are “Yesterday's
Results” and “Tomorrow’s
Games” buried in small type. A

seemingly little matter, bui a

bench mark of a great news-

(7) Most financial and busi-
ness pages are factual but dull.
There is drama, however, in
business and finanee. W-J-T
catches some of it imlively fash-
ion. And its stock market prices
are complete and readable.

And, finally, there is the in-
evitable human angle. A top
Page 1 columnist like Jimmy
Breslin. Only New York could
a pens Jimmy, just as
only New Yor id have
duced the late Hveadteen
Whatever he writes about comes
alive. You a want to Tread
him before d the news.
He would the front

page of the New York Times
jump up and hit you in the face.
The editor was not wrong in put-

ting him just below the mast-

Indeed, in 20 years of com-
menting on comparative journal-
ism in America, in magazines
ranging from Harpers to such
technical publications as The
Editor, organ of the New BEn-
gland Newspaper Editors Asso-
ciation, neven before has this
writer seen a ne
starting from ¢
with its very
front rank of

World Journal Tribune!


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