Dublin Core
Box 19, Folder 14, Document 19
Text Item Type Metadata
FORM NO. 139
12-45 100K: Lh Pas a Je
Be fry. Piped fuczihe Gf tbe. kta eey Base
Le tliirted ocr tle Laer ass, begets die LAN |
vee! hey (Lesnbis AL tnd poor ade Lita Linclere |
ett le LZ wcecglhveel Lhe Deh ee ee |
Ze clea f Aiinsautiehe lee Gf f@Ltagtlen
“é i pug gas et) LE ae pel AL ho Ce
Lid D ecg Led etak! sealant J P2r a2 Fs
L Matasnepin tities a Lhe ear a he fb CoaeLiy f t odtidle ee
_CPZe hide at, ‘it «oes Le (21 ey oes ctl Me, Artt—
| zee Che. Ae. Le LULLMELE OLD 1A Sout Democt#tT ).
we Lita Pty. lea ede. Gee ZL. Lite Zea
Lecawset Lo thoziglit, rd alebl hey he ctd ha
He: Zs baat: reps = z. ct 6 LHe |
L2een ff pl cdetttend ftasinky Ezt aly Gali T_ |
L2H he ht Lot tk le LeerZ2 |
Lotte. + Ze. a Be. eta sail’ acti Ae te hate Le ty) |
Meade elec n: Mee LT “Brat Core E AE |
; 2 Z TK Mecaete |)
Batic Fee LUMO EL. —ZHAZL— bugles ioe
Le ate O ran ws ae Aecle?” Mit celpeD “e
(Lal HM DLE A— Mztinl Lo em piel alae ti ree
; - ¥ G Lt Le kote
; G7 ) tip , 2 Lageli LEP, ae Z wt Lite f eile 7 |
| ee eE G.
FORM NO. 139
12-85 100M
Lites ae pat eee Let oe i eiiLy tL LA gt €
Le: ain cee Lee mee ; L tteat tes CSC eZ)
ae AE Cpe ct a3 hoe ecateste Siar een PO
he KAILA tL pn eee hn CZ Bet ae Lac Ltel fl
Lh» HE cv y Lh. aT, es nts tity Zt Le Lege
LL VD ded be ser F 2th he CELL fo LF, 827 La at at 7—
CS PLS 9 - Toy, suetgh upesed, LIDIA. lee —- Sl Ape HL. eet plan.
PRM CADADACH- 6 Me Ln ele *§ fRAZ—E woes oY” LL
LLL“. oy Lele Gocat¢ ie ETA LEZ Cee cages
sesh eae ind atte” Blo cll: Zul Bhd
eS Zt tie L7 Peis << Ll eet gp PK ee
toes ipo i AL .
aoe tlhe Dio setpva eer. in A tee a, ‘ a |
; LE att Ee ke wants
(Te egme oo |
tft es ae Le —— Poe CA A HA Mf. flestn 4 Cot jee |
Le Ley” Pit Be de AoceLe ZgGtc.
Lhe Lee?) ee Cees Le hiateid tbregs aL
bLednedeck,y Lh, 2. ee: ‘Ze, Aird AL ORL
L<e2z “ncayg bos GL —Ze Le. Lily, LE He Ete tac
Lo wet C CF A fre heagyt se Lee see Js L6A7Gc7 |
ma : Lapel trian Ge, tl cpl ates alee how Hi =
Lttile LaLa wwe bruit fio dae _ce-llaate |
ETI at G Az 45. Ef ee Vie AP xz CeéG lai LLY,
Seat fat Badal Hazy a Ce: tian ee
tee a? whey £7, Lhd faite # LZ hag bariped= Ze
‘ peta Zz AeGe ty Le. Adie S oe kirge res
FORM NO. 139
12-55 100M
Meares Ab La ete GERLA
Le; tei: Leesa as 7 ee ce eee Ya
Le “ fea Cet” Lect
hie ee Se ene
Se LL hates Beez. (bc Lobo
LApShE fe =o: Tt :
Waser koran (tllin— Ailtath
Ae Bee
2E/ Gant Seer
bhitharlla-, Ae. Sapa, |)
12-45 100K: Lh Pas a Je
Be fry. Piped fuczihe Gf tbe. kta eey Base
Le tliirted ocr tle Laer ass, begets die LAN |
vee! hey (Lesnbis AL tnd poor ade Lita Linclere |
ett le LZ wcecglhveel Lhe Deh ee ee |
Ze clea f Aiinsautiehe lee Gf f@Ltagtlen
“é i pug gas et) LE ae pel AL ho Ce
Lid D ecg Led etak! sealant J P2r a2 Fs
L Matasnepin tities a Lhe ear a he fb CoaeLiy f t odtidle ee
_CPZe hide at, ‘it «oes Le (21 ey oes ctl Me, Artt—
| zee Che. Ae. Le LULLMELE OLD 1A Sout Democt#tT ).
we Lita Pty. lea ede. Gee ZL. Lite Zea
Lecawset Lo thoziglit, rd alebl hey he ctd ha
He: Zs baat: reps = z. ct 6 LHe |
L2een ff pl cdetttend ftasinky Ezt aly Gali T_ |
L2H he ht Lot tk le LeerZ2 |
Lotte. + Ze. a Be. eta sail’ acti Ae te hate Le ty) |
Meade elec n: Mee LT “Brat Core E AE |
; 2 Z TK Mecaete |)
Batic Fee LUMO EL. —ZHAZL— bugles ioe
Le ate O ran ws ae Aecle?” Mit celpeD “e
(Lal HM DLE A— Mztinl Lo em piel alae ti ree
; - ¥ G Lt Le kote
; G7 ) tip , 2 Lageli LEP, ae Z wt Lite f eile 7 |
| ee eE G.
FORM NO. 139
12-85 100M
Lites ae pat eee Let oe i eiiLy tL LA gt €
Le: ain cee Lee mee ; L tteat tes CSC eZ)
ae AE Cpe ct a3 hoe ecateste Siar een PO
he KAILA tL pn eee hn CZ Bet ae Lac Ltel fl
Lh» HE cv y Lh. aT, es nts tity Zt Le Lege
LL VD ded be ser F 2th he CELL fo LF, 827 La at at 7—
CS PLS 9 - Toy, suetgh upesed, LIDIA. lee —- Sl Ape HL. eet plan.
PRM CADADACH- 6 Me Ln ele *§ fRAZ—E woes oY” LL
LLL“. oy Lele Gocat¢ ie ETA LEZ Cee cages
sesh eae ind atte” Blo cll: Zul Bhd
eS Zt tie L7 Peis << Ll eet gp PK ee
toes ipo i AL .
aoe tlhe Dio setpva eer. in A tee a, ‘ a |
; LE att Ee ke wants
(Te egme oo |
tft es ae Le —— Poe CA A HA Mf. flestn 4 Cot jee |
Le Ley” Pit Be de AoceLe ZgGtc.
Lhe Lee?) ee Cees Le hiateid tbregs aL
bLednedeck,y Lh, 2. ee: ‘Ze, Aird AL ORL
L<e2z “ncayg bos GL —Ze Le. Lily, LE He Ete tac
Lo wet C CF A fre heagyt se Lee see Js L6A7Gc7 |
ma : Lapel trian Ge, tl cpl ates alee how Hi =
Lttile LaLa wwe bruit fio dae _ce-llaate |
ETI at G Az 45. Ef ee Vie AP xz CeéG lai LLY,
Seat fat Badal Hazy a Ce: tian ee
tee a? whey £7, Lhd faite # LZ hag bariped= Ze
‘ peta Zz AeGe ty Le. Adie S oe kirge res
FORM NO. 139
12-55 100M
Meares Ab La ete GERLA
Le; tei: Leesa as 7 ee ce eee Ya
Le “ fea Cet” Lect
hie ee Se ene
Se LL hates Beez. (bc Lobo
LApShE fe =o: Tt :
Waser koran (tllin— Ailtath
Ae Bee
2E/ Gant Seer
bhitharlla-, Ae. Sapa, |)