Box 19, Folder 14, Document 62

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Box 19, Folder 14, Document 62

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P. 0. Box 248
Atlanta 1, Georgia

October 1, 1966

Honorable Bon W. Fortson, Jr.
Secre of State

Room 214 State Capitol
Atlanta, Ceorgia 303334

Dear Nir, Seorstary?

Sinee a resolution of the General Asseubly of Georgia
(ceorgia Lawe, 1965, pp. 765-~767) has proposed an amend<
ment to the Constitution of the State of Jeorgia, dealing
with the subject matter of write-in voting, and will be
voted upon by the electorate im the eneuing election om
the 8th day of Movember next, the ratification of the same
could possibly be enterpre ' to apply to any write-in
votes that may be cast in such next general election.


writer's intention to cast a write-in vete
lection for the office of Governor of the
103" bd © * ath wd f sr pad j F


on a writ basis im the said election.

same time the writer will vote against the rati-
fication of such proposed amendment, which was rejected in
substantially the same terme in the Gemeral Aleotion of 1962,
being of the conviction that the proscription intended by
page 2 ~ Homoreble Ben W. Fortaon, Jv., Secretary of State - Got. 1, 1966

Speaker Smith has demonstrated himself te be the best
vote getter of the current eecason ani by the vote that has
been aceoried him in the Democratic run-off primary the
electorate therein has by reason of the circumstances, of
necessity, found him to be well qualified to serve as the
Governor of the State, if called upon for such service.

The writer sincerely believes that voting by write-in
for Speaker Smith for Covernor afforde the best solution
for those Democrats who camot, because of moral conviction,
bring themselves to voting either for a Republican candii-~
date or a candidate whe in an apparent large measure was
saddled the Democratic Party by participation in the
latter's Primary by non-members of the Party.

The action being taken by the writer in the respects
herein is motivated solely from and by his om convictions
and the same is not in anywise prompted from any action on
the part of Spenker Smith other than the imprint upon the
writer of the former*s excellent public service and showing
of his potentialities.

Sincerely yours,

\ ‘ \
Feu dont WAL ns ha bes


Heury MN, Henderson-h oe


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