Box 19, Folder 16, Document 23

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Box 19, Folder 16, Document 23

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William C. Bartholomay, 5-----------------+-Chairman of the Board
John McHale ----------------------------- President and
General Manager
Thomas A. Reynolds, Jr. ----------------- Executive Vice President
Louis R. Perini ------------------------- Chairman of Executive
John J. Louis, Jr, ---------------------- -- Vice President.
Charles W. Olson, III ------------------- -- Vice President
Daniel C. Searle ------------------- ne we ene Treasurer
Ralph Delforge -----------+------------- ---Secretary and Ass‘t. Treasurer
Di | Directors
Bartholomay, William C.
(Wife’s Name - Sally)
x Business: Atexander—&~Atexardér Suite /254 ut Bhyds
2-N; River side-Plaza- 17S 1. Jhck Sek

Oo . Chicago, Illinois 6060%
Phone - 372-0221

Home: 1350 N. Greenbay Road

Lake Forest, Illinois
Phone - Ce 4-1724

oe es
Bowman, Duane F.
(Wife’s Name - Olympia)

Business: Bowman All Star Dairy :
WV . P. O. Box 352
O Madison, Wisconsin ; +

Phone - Alpine 5-0016

Home: Maple Lawn Heights
- \ Madison, Wisconsin
yeh Phone - Alpine 6-3001

ols oleman, Delbert W,

(Wife's Name - Marge)

Business: Seeburg Corporation »
1500 N, Dayton
Chicago, I1Llinois

Bens Phone - Mi 2-0800

x -Home: 1055 Sheridan Road i
Winnetka, Illinois
Phone - Hi 6-2352

Fitzgerald, Edmund B., Jr.
(Wife’s Name - Elisabeth)

Business? Cutler Hammer, Inc.
Kio “315 North 12th Street

Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Phone - Br 1-7800

Home: 7644 N. Beach Drive

Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Phone - Fl 2-7415

(Wife's Name - Ellen)

Business: H. M, Harper Co.
8200 Lehigh
Morton Grove, Illinois
Phone - In 3-4100

x Home: 429 Sheridan Road
Winnetka, ILlinois
Ee Phone - Hi 6-6044

(jt pate Warren >
4 / ife’s Name - Chris)

Business: Lehman Brothers
One William Street
New York 4, New York
Phone - Bo 9-3700

x Home: 92 State Street
Brooklyn 1,
New York
Phone - Ma 4-6566 :

Lombardi, Vince

(Wife’s Name - Marie)
Business: General Manager and Head Coach
Green Bay Packers
Wo 349 South Washington
Green Bay, Wisconsin
; Phone - Hem 2-4873
Home: 677 Sunset Circle

Green Bay, Wisconsin
Phone - Hem 7-5932
‘ Directors oF

O ¥, us John J., Jr.

VW fr (Wife’s Name - Jo)
UG uy
ae Business:

x Home: 1000 Hill Road
Winnetka, Illinois
Phone - Hi 6-6604

McHale, John
_= (Wife’s Name Cee

_ Business: Mitwaukee Braves, Inc.
0 County Stadi
i Milwaukee,—Wis. Cileit, e
Phone - 414 We 3-8650 (rl hie —

Home: 1625 Notre Dame Court [3 ox (422
Elm Grove, Wisconsin AT LTA 7

~ Phone - Su 6-8082.

Olson, Charles W., III

QD (UE ife’s Name - Mary)

* Business: C. W. Olson & Company

' 175 W. Jackson Boulevard
Chicago, ILlinois

Phone - Ha 7-0480

y Home: Clover Lane
; Northfield, Illinois
Phone - Hi 6-5161

BAG Potter
ha Teal Name - Polly) E


Home: . 1310 N, Greenbay Road
Lake Forest, Itlinois
Phone Ge 4-3187

Parker, Daniel S.

(Wife’s Name - Sally)

Business: Parker Pen Company

, 219 East Court Street

NV oO + wanesville, Wisconsin
Phone - Pl 4-7711

Home: Route 1, Milton Junction


F eS *_* .

e f_erini - Louis R.

ok / -=— (Wife's Name - Florence)

bees Business: Perini Corporation
Mont Wayte

Framingham, Mass,

X Home: 32 Mangus Avenue
Wellesley Hill,

s H.
(Wife’s Name - Janice)

Price, Charle

Business: Price Candy Company
2 West 39th Street
Kansas City, Missouri_
Phone - We 1-4422

Home: 3500 W. 69th Street
x Kansas City, Missouri
Phone - En 2-0205

Puelicher, John A,

(Wife’s Name - Jimmie Ann)

‘ Business: Marshall & Ilsley Bank

‘ } 721 North Water Street

i dD ; Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Phone - Br 6-7700

Home: 8550 N. Green Bay Road
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Phone - Fi 5-6613

gw Directors

-, Reynolds, Thomas A, Jr.,
Vs: (Wife’s Name - Susie)
Business: Winston, Strawn, Smith & Patterson
' 38 S. Dearborn Street
‘ wd Chicago, Illinois
Phone - Fi 6-3600

We Home: Pebblefork Lane
Northfield, Illinois
Phone - Hi 6-4281

/ ‘Searle, Daniel\C. Dain
7} | ite’s Name - Bere}
LA 7

4 _ Business: G. D. Searle & Company

an P. O. Box 5110
Chicago 80, Il1linois
Phone - Or 3-3200

x Home: 200 De Wendt
Winnetka, Illinois .
Phone - Hi 6-1936

©. Simpson, Joseph W., Jr.
; (Wife’s Name - Mydelle)

Business: First Wisconsin National Bank
743 North Water Street
hk) Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Phone - Br 6-6100

Home: 8127 North Gray Log Lane
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Phone - Fl 2-0142

a Skakel, Rushton W,
fe |S r e’s Name - Anne)

it} 4
( U Jf Business: Great Lakes Carbon Corporation
ie 18 E, 48th Street
New York 17, N. Y.
Phone - El 5-6200

X Home: 71 Otter Rock Drive
Greenwich, Conn,
Phone - To 9-1064


. Sullivan John W.

C oe = (Wife’s Name - Susie)

RS. Business: Skil Corporation
| 5033 N, Elston Avenue
~ Chicago, Illinois
Phone - Av 6-2000

oy x Home: 2131 Drury
‘ Northfield, Illinois
Phone - Hi 6-3545

Wilson Carlton P,

(Wife’s Name - Barbara)

Business: Robert W. Baird & Company
110 East Wisconsin Avenue
ae Milwaukee, Wisconsin
v Phone - Br 6-0525

Home: 7335 North River Road
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Phone - F1 2-9362


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