Box 19, Folder 16, Document 33

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Box 19, Folder 16, Document 33

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11501 Columbia Pike ~- Silver Spring, Md.

April 19, 1966

Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
City Hall
Atlanta, Ga.

Dear Mr. Allen:

I enjoyed mesting you when I was in Atlanta
last week to see the Braves! welcoming festivities.
It must have been a great day in your life, and
in the life of Atlanta. Being a native Georgian,

I share your pride.

Enclosed are a couple of copies of my story
on the Braves. The story appears on Page 17. I
tried to be as fair as possible, and the story
is not trying to make Atlanta look like a bad
baseball town. It is simply trying to convey the
fact that major league baseball in the Southeast
is a new sport, and will take time to develop.

\ x

I think you agree that football is the prime \
sport in Atlanta, as it is throughout the area. od (
The Braves will probably have a rough time with %

attendance until they establish a Southern tradition. .
However, I'm sure that sney. will be proud of Atlanta nm \

as their home. » %

You, sir, have my admiration for all you nate
done for sports and for your city. I have been \
sorely tempted to move to Atlanta myself, but my ) |
profession is such that Atlanta really cannot {
compete with Washington in a news sense. Maybe . oe oe
someday I will move there. In the meantime, I \\ he
take pride in the city almost as though it were | \\ \
already my home. All the best to your fair city. -

Sincerely, {

Lvs, h Sirnd\

Y James A.“ Bryant


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