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Box 19, Folder 16, Document 59
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W. A. SCOTT, II, Founder C. A. SCOTT, Editor-General Manager
Published Every Morning Except Monday, at 210 Auburn Ave.
Affiliated Semi-Weeklies 210 Auburn Ave., N. E.
MEMPHIS WORLD Atlanta (3), Ga.
BIRMINGHAM WORLD Phone: JAckson 1-1459
February 1h, 1966
City of Atlanta
The Mayor's Office
Attn: Mrs. Ann Drummond Moseley
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Mrs. Moseley:
We, like everyone else in Atlanta and the Southeast, are so en-
thusiastic over the Braves Baseball team coming to the city that we
decided to do a special edition for their arrival on April 12, 1966.
Sunday, April 10th, the Atlanta Daily World is publishing a
"Welcome Braves" edition, crambed with pictures, stories, and figures,
showing the full impact of the event. We are anticipating a tremen-
dous response to the event and feel certain that you would want to be
a part of this historical event as it occurs.
Cost for a page in this edition, which is being printed in off-
set, will be $34.0 (this covers 168 inches of space). Cost for less-
er space will be $2.05 per column inch. Deadline for submitting copy
will be April lst.
In a few days a representative will call on you to discuss your
participation in this event. With best wishes, I am
Cordially yours,
Je Re Simmons
Advertising Manager
Published Every Morning Except Monday, at 210 Auburn Ave.
Affiliated Semi-Weeklies 210 Auburn Ave., N. E.
MEMPHIS WORLD Atlanta (3), Ga.
BIRMINGHAM WORLD Phone: JAckson 1-1459
February 1h, 1966
City of Atlanta
The Mayor's Office
Attn: Mrs. Ann Drummond Moseley
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Mrs. Moseley:
We, like everyone else in Atlanta and the Southeast, are so en-
thusiastic over the Braves Baseball team coming to the city that we
decided to do a special edition for their arrival on April 12, 1966.
Sunday, April 10th, the Atlanta Daily World is publishing a
"Welcome Braves" edition, crambed with pictures, stories, and figures,
showing the full impact of the event. We are anticipating a tremen-
dous response to the event and feel certain that you would want to be
a part of this historical event as it occurs.
Cost for a page in this edition, which is being printed in off-
set, will be $34.0 (this covers 168 inches of space). Cost for less-
er space will be $2.05 per column inch. Deadline for submitting copy
will be April lst.
In a few days a representative will call on you to discuss your
participation in this event. With best wishes, I am
Cordially yours,
Je Re Simmons
Advertising Manager