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Box 19, Folder 16, Document 66
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News Release SS IVAN AL TEN «1G
Mayor of Atlanta
Mrs. Ann Drummond
For further information call — Ja 2- 4463 Executive Secretary
FEBRUARY 8, 1966
Judge McKenzie's order in Fulton Superior Court ends for all time, so
far as Atlanta and the Southeast are concerned, any question about the future of the
Atlanta Braves.
They are our baseball team! They are our Braves!
The Braves have said so; the National League -- in a magnificent solid
stand -- has said so; the one court that has legal jurisdiction over them has said so.
From here on the success of the Braves and the success of Atlanta and the
Southeast as a showplace for major league baseball is upto the people of Atlanta and
As mayor of Atlanta, Iam determined that we are all going to show the
whole country -- and especially Milwaukee -- that the Braves’ move to Atlanta was
the best thing that has happened to: baseball since Ty Cobb.
When the Atlanta Braves open against the Pittsburg Pirates on April 12th,
every seat in Atlanta Stadium is going to be full. Then Atlanta Stadium is going to
be full the next night and again when they come back from their first road trip.
I want the sports writers in Milwaukee and Chicago and New York who have
been crying about the Milwaukee fans -- who let the Braves down except when they won
pennants -- to come down here to our town and see real baseball fans cheering a real
baseball team, season after season, never deserting them, win or lose.
This is the kind of spirit you find in Atlanta , . . whether it's about baseball
or business. . . civic pride or crime prevention, , . Dogwood blossoms or daily bread.
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This spirit is also enthusiasm -- and I would like to see every Little
Leaguer and every fan. . . and every housewife and every businessman, buy a
ticket to see the Braves, Ihope every business organization will support our team
and buy season tickets and extra tickets to opening games.
Time is drawing close, and you had better move fast, from what I have
seen with major league sports in Atlanta, the tickets might not last.
I wouldn't want anyone to miss this great sport experience and I know you
wouldn't want to miss giving the Braves a geniine Southern welcome,
Further, Iam asking the City Attorney to look into this matter and remain
constantly vigilant in the protection of the rights of Atlanta citizens to the privileges .
of major league baseball as contracted for with the Atlanta Braves for the coming
twenty-five years.
Mayor of Atlanta
Mrs. Ann Drummond
For further information call — Ja 2- 4463 Executive Secretary
FEBRUARY 8, 1966
Judge McKenzie's order in Fulton Superior Court ends for all time, so
far as Atlanta and the Southeast are concerned, any question about the future of the
Atlanta Braves.
They are our baseball team! They are our Braves!
The Braves have said so; the National League -- in a magnificent solid
stand -- has said so; the one court that has legal jurisdiction over them has said so.
From here on the success of the Braves and the success of Atlanta and the
Southeast as a showplace for major league baseball is upto the people of Atlanta and
As mayor of Atlanta, Iam determined that we are all going to show the
whole country -- and especially Milwaukee -- that the Braves’ move to Atlanta was
the best thing that has happened to: baseball since Ty Cobb.
When the Atlanta Braves open against the Pittsburg Pirates on April 12th,
every seat in Atlanta Stadium is going to be full. Then Atlanta Stadium is going to
be full the next night and again when they come back from their first road trip.
I want the sports writers in Milwaukee and Chicago and New York who have
been crying about the Milwaukee fans -- who let the Braves down except when they won
pennants -- to come down here to our town and see real baseball fans cheering a real
baseball team, season after season, never deserting them, win or lose.
This is the kind of spirit you find in Atlanta , . . whether it's about baseball
or business. . . civic pride or crime prevention, , . Dogwood blossoms or daily bread.
« More «-
This spirit is also enthusiasm -- and I would like to see every Little
Leaguer and every fan. . . and every housewife and every businessman, buy a
ticket to see the Braves, Ihope every business organization will support our team
and buy season tickets and extra tickets to opening games.
Time is drawing close, and you had better move fast, from what I have
seen with major league sports in Atlanta, the tickets might not last.
I wouldn't want anyone to miss this great sport experience and I know you
wouldn't want to miss giving the Braves a geniine Southern welcome,
Further, Iam asking the City Attorney to look into this matter and remain
constantly vigilant in the protection of the rights of Atlanta citizens to the privileges .
of major league baseball as contracted for with the Atlanta Braves for the coming
twenty-five years.