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Box 19, Folder 17, Document 1
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| NewYorkWorld-Ielegram
The Sun
July 27, 1963
Mayor Ivan Allen, dre
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Mayor Allen,
I have just read your testimony, given
Friday before the Senate Commerce Com-
mittee on the public accomodation bill.
Atlanta should be very proud, and I'm
sure it is. When an elected official
can espress himself so clearly and
persuasively on a matter of such grave
concern to the nation, he is an ex-
ceptional man. The incontestable
wisdom of what you said to the Committee,
the compassion underlying your beliefs,
and the uncompromising honesty of your
statement, all testify to an uncommon
and admirable level of statesmanship.
Norman Se. Nadel Lr
Drama critic
New York World-Telegram & Sun
125 Barclay-st
New York 15, N. Ye
The Sun
July 27, 1963
Mayor Ivan Allen, dre
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Mayor Allen,
I have just read your testimony, given
Friday before the Senate Commerce Com-
mittee on the public accomodation bill.
Atlanta should be very proud, and I'm
sure it is. When an elected official
can espress himself so clearly and
persuasively on a matter of such grave
concern to the nation, he is an ex-
ceptional man. The incontestable
wisdom of what you said to the Committee,
the compassion underlying your beliefs,
and the uncompromising honesty of your
statement, all testify to an uncommon
and admirable level of statesmanship.
Norman Se. Nadel Lr
Drama critic
New York World-Telegram & Sun
125 Barclay-st
New York 15, N. Ye