Box 3, Folder 6, Document 11

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Box 3, Folder 6, Document 11

Text Item Type Metadata


September 6, 1963

The. Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr.
City of Atlanta
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Subject: Bedford Pine UR Redevelopment Project
Dear Mayor Allen:
As was stated in our Conference, this project area, sometimes called
Buttermilk Bottoms, contains some of the worst housing in Atlanta. Much
ef the worst housing was removed in clearing the lami for the relief
sewer and the City Auditorium. The condition of the remainder has been ~
Se ee Re eee ee Lee FE ee Ve See

In an effort to give some relief, the following actions have been taken:
(1) ‘The Hovsing Code Department, working with our Project employees,
heve made and are making inspections of the which appear
to be in the worst condition.

(2) As comple.nts are received from tenants, or representatives of tenante,

(3) The Housing Code Enforcement Department notifiesthe ower of the



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All other vacant
Project Gost appears to

structures have been bearded up, and when evidenes of someone
breaking into the structure becomes apparent, the structures

are reboarded,

ami the new


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ee eee is for this Project

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are immediately placarded so tint they camiot be reoecupied,
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and the omer is required te board it up.

(5) In the oases of structures beeening vacant, the structures

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