Box 19, Folder 18, Document 3

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Box 19, Folder 18, Document 3

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Rome Neues - Crilnuw

Published afternoons (except Saturday) and Sunday morning at 403 Tribune Street by
News Publishing Co. B. H, MOONEY JR., President.

Subscription Prices: Weekly Carrier 40c Monthly Carrier $1.73; Yearly Carrier $20.80; Mail
rates on request. Second-class postage paid at Rome, Ga.
Associated Press and United Press-International
Telephone—All departments (except Society) 232-1511—Society 232-3303


fino WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1963

Glad Mr. Allen Is Atlanta’s Mayor

Atlanta Mayor Ivan Allen Jr. last
week became the first southern public
official to testify in behalf of the Ken-
nedy administration’s prize package of
civil rights legislation, particularly for
the so-called elimination of discrimi

nation in public accomodations.

Mr, Allen, one recalls, is indebted to
the large Atlanta Negro vote for being
mayor of that city, so his testimony in
Washington last Friday can be viewed
in that light as far as judging its im-

Mr, Allen expressed the fear that
without Congressional action, “cities

like Atlanta might slip backward.” In
essence, that without the compulsion

of federal law, individuals might pre-
sume to make individual choice in their
associations and the disposition of their
property and services,

At no point in his rather lengthy dis-
sertation to the Senate Commerce Com-
mittee does Mr. Allen deplore danger-
ous and pr oyocative street demonstra-

GE Shows Community Pride

Wmployes at GE's Medium Trans-
former Department here in Rome are
indicating the pride they have in their

company as well as community by dis-

cn Haonae plots advertis:

tions which have impeded public safety
nor does he condemn the destruction of
individual rights at the hands of mobs
who demand the right to their own set
of laws by defying those with which
they do not agree,

Presumably Mr, Allen sees nothing
wrong in having the federal govern-
ment move as fast as it can into areas
of private rights en the specious ground
that so-called “anti - discrimination”
measures enjoy a “moral” priority in.
national affairs. What he would pro-
mote is the basically un-American no-
tion that Negroes must. be set up as a

special minority, not only to be afford- Say
ed equality of treatment but, in fact, \
made by federal compulsion a special aT
category of citizenship more than Lear Pin A

“equal.” «ice ieienemub esse

Mr. Allen, we have pointed out, is MS pe
mayor of Atlanta. We are grateful, i 28 U Wie
indeed, his peculiar philosohy is at !
least far removed from Rome. We
doubt if it represents majority Winking
in his own city. *

gram all nas more gratifying. The fact
that GE employes want to voluntarily bec
advertise their company om-

munity WrareT EE ey go


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