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Box 19, Folder 18, Document 37
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Weather Inside Today — |
cae een See ou Business ..8, 9-A Theater .... 8B |
widely scattered afternoon and even: e (V ¢ Comics .... 5-A TV-Radlo ... 4A |
ing thundershowers. Highs Saturday : Deaths ..... 2-A Want Ads ..2-7-B “
in the mid-90's. Sun rises 5:32 -a.m, Editorials .. 10-A Weather .... 2-A i
a 7:29 p.m. More details on Page Spots. VA) Wonten ...), 1A
'64175—Founded Feb. 18, 1891 Telephone AL 6-3461 Columbia, S. C., Saturday, July 27, 1963 hi 2 Sections — 20 Pages Daily, 10¢; Scam 206 |
tsps cence srceaecea eanaeat s see
ew Treaty |" Over 2,000 Perish —
| _ From e r e l
: -
Step Away _ Kennedy’s /
Address —
rom War’ | Page 3:
In Yugoslav Quake, |
wae ete ee
“gullible” in “its past dealings
with Russia and he hopes
“we will not be suck ered in this
hope we know what we are doing,
‘wary” faking their word.
General Mark Clark, Presi-
dent of The Citadel in Charles-
ton, replied with a terse, ‘‘No
comment.” He said he would
have no comment on any
phase of the test ban, nor on
the President's request for a
public debate.
Allen M, Mohn Jr., of 216 Maple
St. said, “It’s ridiculous to think
that aman of public responsibility
would believe the Russians.”
He said he thinks the whole
thing, on the part of Kennedy, is
an attempt to ‘“‘shore up his sag-
Ring prestige,’ and possibly
drag a few “fence sitters” into
supporting him.
Mohn said he thinks, with the
Russians, it is impossible ‘‘to es-
tablish any sort of rapport. with
no strings attached.”
Dr. Feltham 8. James, pas-
tor of the Main Street Meth-
odist Church, described the
Proposed test ban as ‘a fine
step — a good step — if we
could only trust the Commu-
He expressed hope that the ban
would work, but gave it little
chance, citing the large number of
treaties the Russians have brok-
en in recent history.
Ben L. Strozier, Rock Hill Unit-
ed Fund director — “I hope it
will work out. I think it is one
of the most important ‘things to
happen in a long time and I am
gratified our government has been
able to accomplish so much.”
L, Don Matthews, retired Army
general living in Rock Hill — “IT
have no opinion. Like a lot of old
(See WHAT §.C., Page 2-A)
‘He said several times, “I just
I should be very
MOSCOW (AP) — Premier
Khrushchev urged the West
Eas. to. BSN ahead wi
tions for nor
sion pact between the Atlanti
alliance and the Commun
bloc. He called the pa’
test ban treaty initialed
day a step toward ending
war tensions,
He said Britain and th
United States already h
greed in the test ban
to negotiations on the
aggression question.
Khrushchev’; views w
released to the mnewspape
Pravda and Yzvestia as
confered in the Kremlin wi
Undersecretary of State
Averell Harriman on
thorny problem of Laos.
United States wants Khrush
chev to use his influence to
get the fighting stopped i
that Red-threatened South
Asian kingdom.
full-scale nuclear exchange of Iss
than 60 minutes ‘‘could wipe but
more than 300 million Americans,
Europeans and Russians, as vai
as untold numbers elsewhere.”
As Soviet Premier Khrushct
said, Kennedy remarked, the swr-
vivors “would envy the dead.’
Second, he said, the tredty
could help free the world
the fears and dangers of radi
tive fallout.
of nuclear weapons to natio
other than the four now
sessing them: the United Stat
the Soviet Union, Great Bri
and France.
Finally, Kennedy said, th
treaty could check the nuclea
arms race in a manner which, o
balance, would strengthen th
country's maturity far more tha
a continuation of unrestrict
What happens when two women get snow-bound
in a Colorado cabin with a bunch of youngsters?
Things get right hectie and comical, that's what
happens. Be sure and set aside a few moments Sun-
day to chuckle along with two South Carolina ‘wome
who had their children ask. “Mother, whoever hear
of stow in June?” It's one of the many interesting
features in the big reading package ¢om
Weve Got News
For You Sunday
In the Pee Dee, people call it the “Golden
Weed.” They also call it their life’s bload. The
1968 South Carolina tobacco market opens
Thursday. Sunday's edition salutes South Caro-
lind’s No. 1 cash crop—t $116-million, proposi-
tion—with a special section, choek full of facts,
figures and interesting features and pictures,
if it’s about tobacco, it’s in. Sunday's Tobacco
ming thi
At Hearing
On Rights
mayor of Atlanta, Ga., and the
governor of South Carolina took
opposing sides Friday on a bill to
outlaw racial discrimination in
hotels, restaurants and other pub-
lic accommodations.
Gov. Donald S. Russell of South
Carolina denounced the adminis-
tration-backed measure as ‘‘coer-
cive legislation’ which he said
“will breed resistance and per-
haps violence.”
Mayor Ivan Allen Jr. of Atlanta
said federal legislation would help
advance voluntary desegregation.
He said racial discrimination is an
all-American problem requiring
an all-American solution, and if
Congress does not pass the bill it
would “amount to an endorsement
of private business setting up an
entirely new status of discrimina-
tion throughout the nation.”
fied at a hearing of the Senate
Commerce Committee which was
enlivened by a row between the
acting chairman, John O. Pastore,
D-R.L, and Sen. Strom Thurmond,
Pastore accused Thurmond of
asking Allen “‘loaded’’ and ‘‘when
did you stop beating your wife’
type questions and declared he
was not going to stand for intimi-
Thurmond,-an opponent of the
civil rights bill, said he resented
the characterization and was not
going to have a ‘‘gag”’ imposed,
Elsewhere on the civil rights
legislative front:
—Norman Thomas, 78, six-time
Socialist party candidate for presi-
dent, told a House Judiciary sub-
committee that Negro civil rights
demonstrations are fully justified
and lambasted Southern Demo-
crats who oppose: the legislation
as “wax museum politicians.” —
—Gus Tyler, assistant president
of the AFL-CIO International Lad-
jes Garment Workers Union, told
the House group that federal legis-
lation is needed because voluntary
efforts to give equal rights to’ Ne-
groes have. failed.
—Two Negro leaders urged a
Senate Labor subcommittee to ap-
prove legislation to create a Fair
Employment Practices Commis-
sion. They were James Farmer,
national director of the Congress
of Racial Equality, and Roy Wil-
kins, executive secretary of the
National Association for the Ad-
vancement of Colored People. Wil-
kins said an FEPC would “prod
those employers who won't move
(See SPARKS FLY, Page 2-A)
The two Southern officials testi-|.
dation and embarrassment of the
—ed in Friday’s Partiquake™Iny Skopje {map inset). This
The State’s Washington Bureau
WASHINGTON — The Univer-
of South Carolina will enroll
ero student Henri Monteith
e people of the state will
observe law and order’ in such
demonstrated that in the past and
will!\do so in the future.”
sell made the observation in
ext of a question as to whe-
e USC admission would be
entiul as the entry of Ne-
ey Gantt to Clemson Col-
” he responded.
ikewise ducked a prediction
© outcome of a possible Ken-
- Goldwater race. “We will
at 1964 when 1964 comes,”’ he
o laws forcing integration of
ip accOmmodations.
Before coming to Capitol Hill,
y\ Celebrezze of the Depart-
of Health, Education and
uts, but would not elaborate
beyo id that. .
Forjhis committee testimony the
At University « of S. ote
‘Russell. Predicts
Quiet I ntegration
More photos, pages ZA, 6-b:
governor was accompanied by At-
torney. General Dan McLeod, As-
sistant Attorney General Grady
Patterson) State Rep. Joseph Rog-
ers of Manning and his son, Don-
ald Jr,
Two More
Negroes |
May Enroll
Governmental! Affairs Editor
A second Negro student has qua-
.| lified for admission to Clemson
College this fal] and a third Ne-
gro has filed application for ad-
mittance to the University of
South Carolina.
Clemson President Robert C.
Edwards declined Friday to give
the name of the student who will
enter Clemson. Harvey Gantt,
Charleston Negro, completed a se-
mester at Clemson in May.
Gantt was the first Negro to
enter an all white state - sup-
ported schoo] in South Carolina.
The third Negro to apply at the
university was James L. Solomon
dr., professor at Morris College
in Sumter. He will be among those
taking an examination today for
(See TWO MORE, Page 2-A)
sees Astronauts’:
Var Wirepnow)
Losing Job
Foree Lt. Col. John A. Powers,
controversial spokesman for the
U.S, astronauts, is losing his job.
This was confirmed Friday by
a source Within the National Aer-
onautics and Space Administra-
The souree said that while Pow-
ers, generally known to newsmen
as “Shorty,” will remain at the
Manned Space Flight Center at
Houston, Tex., he “will not be in
public affairs,”
What Powers’ new job will be,
the source would not say. Powers
is on loan to NASA from the Air
Force and is eligible for retire-
ment Next February after 20
years Of duty, including World
War II and Korea.
An Official NASA spokesman,
Julian Scheer, had no comment
on the report other than to say,
“We generally agree with what
Powers Said yesterday. I expect
an announcement will be made
next week.”
Powers was in Washington
Thursday to meet aith NASA Ad-
ministrator James W. Webb and
the deputy administrator Hugh L.
Afterward, Powers commented,
“T am sure my role is going to
Rumors of Powers’ resignation
— or removal — have been cir-
|culated since the 22-orbit flight of
astronaut L. Gordon Cooper Jr.
last May.
It has long been known here
that Washington felt it should
have more control over publicity
dealing with the astronauts—and
Powers resisted.
were digging through the rubble
from which screams and calls for
help could be heard. Aftershocks
were recorded abe rescurers:toiled 4
in the 1 “ruins.
"Tens of thousands of persons
stood in the ruined streets, some
weeping, others just staring
blankly at the wreckage of their
As a safety precaution, all citi-
zens were ordered to stay out of
their homes for the next 24 hours.
Yugoslav army units set up
emergency distribution centers
for water since the city’s supply
—as well as its telephone and
telegraph lines—was knocked out.
Army barracks and Communist
party headquarters were reported
toppled as was the four-story New
Macedonia Hotel. There were 200
guests in the hotel when the first
shock hit at 5:17 am. and
wrecked it. How many lost their
lives was not known.
It was believed some of the
guests were Americans.
Witnesses reaching Belgrade
from the stricken city reported
seeing buildings collapse before
their eyes. Among the first were
two West German girl tourists
who had spent the night at the
New Macedonia Hotel.
“We left the hotel shortly after
5 a.m. to catch the airport bus,”
said one. “We were barely 20
yards from the hotel when the
ground began to rumble. Then we
saw our hotel collapse like a
house of cards.”
Another account came from a
Yugoslav pilot, Aleksander Bla-
“T saw the railroad station go
down in front of my eyes, it was
a terrible sight," he said in an
interview over Radio Belgrade.
“A woman nearby shouted for
help. It was a foreign woman
tourist whose husband succeeded
in escaping to the street. She re-
mained in her room since the
bent door prevented her from go-
ing out too. We helped her out.
“T am afraid there must be a
lot of children victims of the
quake since they could not get
(See THOUSAND, Page 2-A)
Pipiniies Russian Support
, Fla. (AP)—Cuban
Prime Minister Fidel Castro
urg¢d revolutions. Friday in
Latin American nations:
He promised that such rebel-
lions would be supported by
the \Soviet Union.
Castro, addressing a mass
rally \in Havana on the 10th
anniversary of the blow that
ultimately led to his takeover
‘in 1959) declared his revolu-
tion had| benefitted the Cuban
Cashto| added in’ a broad-
cast mohitored here: ‘What
has done in Cuba also
is possible to do in many
other Latin American coun-
Castro declared: “‘All coun+
tries that do what the Cuban
people have dite will have
the decided support of the
entire Socialist camp.’
Latin America, the bearded
prime minister shouted, “‘is
a continent in erisis, a con-
tinent where revolution is in-
‘In Argentina, every day
there is news of a military
revolt and more counterblows.
That is the representative
democracy impelled by the
Yaukees, in whose country the
majority of the people can-
not vote.
The prime minister told
Cheering crowds: “What hap-
pened in Cuba was not a
miracle. It can occur exactly
the same in many other Latin
American countries.”
Casiro said some Latin
American countries are stable
enough not to be included in
the revolutionary belt, and de-
clared: “The countries with
the least political stability in
Latin America are those that
a imperialism against
‘He continued: “Who does
not recall the hatred of Prado
stro Urges Latin Revolutions
(ex-President Manuel Prado of
Peru), of Frondizi (ex-Presi-
dent Arturo Frondizi of Ar-
gentina), of Ydigoras (ex-
President Miguel Ydigoras of
Guatemala), that has occurr-
ed with those governments
servile to imperialism?”
Referring to Venezuela, Cas-
tro said, “There they have
the puppet President Romulo
Betancourt. Every time there
is a coup, he goes into rage,
“We send greetings of fra- *
_ternity and soudarity to the
Venezuela revolutionaries who
with impressive valor confront
the force of reaction and of
Aer @ Uwerluvauu Pra Vw mian
bility, prices advanced in June
for most major types of goods
and services. ‘Substantial increas-
es were noted in food, tobacco and
used cars. New increases in salés
taxes also helped boost living
Arnold Chase, the bureau's as-
sistant commissioner for prices,
predicted a further increase for
July, but said it would be mostly
The new June index means that
it now costs 66 cents more to buy
the items that $10 would have pur-
chased in the 1957-59 period.
Chase said the story of the liv-
ing cost rise in June was “pri-
marily the story of sugar, cigar-
ettes and higher taxes.’’ Seasonal
trends helped too, he said, partic-
ularly in used cars for the sum-
mer driving season.
Chase indicated, however, that
the general price rise did not
point to an inflationary trend but
reflected more past inflationary
pressures than future.
He said this was true of cigar-
ettes. The cigarette industry is
trying to bring nonfilter prices in
line with those for filter types as
well as trying to meet rising
costs, Chase said.
Indicating another probable ad-
vance for July, Chase said, is the
fact that meats usually go up
this time of the year along with
eggs and dairy products and used
ears and gasoline. Medical costs
can be expected to be rising, he
The bureau reported that net
spendable earnings of factory
production workers increased sub-
stantially in June for the second
straight month.
Take-home gross earnings, less
federal income and Social Securi-
ty tax deductions, advanced by
over 90 cents in June to a record
$88.38 for the average worker with
three dependants and $80.57 for
the worker without dependents.
A strong factor in the food price
rise of eight-tenths of one per cent
in June was the sharp boost in
the cost of sugar. Prices for this
product rose by 32 per cent in
June and were 44 per cent above
a year before.
“We may see a decline but sug-
ar prices are not likely to go
back to where they were,” Chase
said. “There will be high prices
for sugar for some time to come.””
Franklin O'Dell, Laurens,
Elbert L. Cuip, Chester.
Miss Charlotte Stoney, Charles-
C. d, McCallum Jr., Rowland,
O'Conley Gantt, Batesburg,
Mrs, Rose Barre, Lexington.
Mrs, J. J, McAllister, Scranton, .
W. EH. Taylor Sr., Newberry.
Mrs. J. P. Raymond, Hardee
Mark Shelley, Conway.
Fletcher Pinson, Gafiney-
R. Henry Moseley, Anderson:
P, H. Seigler Sr., Myrtle Beach,
(For. details see page 2-A)
wD Or
re TA
mB Ds
iS — Franklin Jay
O'Dell, 65, of Laurens, died in
the Laurens District Hospital Fri-
He was a native of Laurens
County, the son of the late John
J. and Anna Smith O'Dell, and
was a farmer.
Survivors include
Sparks Fly
(Continued from page 1-A)
and encourage those who want to
R. Carter Pittman, Dalton, Ga.,
attorney, told the Senate Com-
merce Committee that race mix-
ing is only for the poor, not for
“the hypocritical plutocrat.’’
Noting that the public accommo-
dation bill would exempt bona fide
private clubs, Pittman said:
“The exemption in this bill is a
carefully devised rat hole for
those who spend their time
preaching integration for the poor
whites, while philosophizing about
it over cocktails within the segre-
gated shelters of exempt clubs.”
Pittman, whom Thurmond intro-
duced to the committee as ‘‘one of
the ablest constitutional lawyers’’
in the country, presented a
lengthy paper contending that the
history of the commerce clause
makes it clear this never was in-
tended to be used as the basis
for such legislation as the public
accomodations bill.
The measure relies chiefly on
the ecommerce clause but also is
based on the 14th Amendment's
equal protection clause.
Pittman said he had listened to
his wife,
_|Allen’s testimony but never had
seen the Atlanta mayor in an in-
tegrated restaurant.
“Don't you think that's an un-
fair statement to make when the
mayor is not here?” asked Pas-
Pittman said he did not realize
_|Allen had left, and Sen. Hugh
Scott, R-Pa. said: “As a Southern
gentleman, don't you think you
should withdraw that statement?”
Pittman replied that he thought
Allen would confirm what he had
said if the mayor were present.
Pastore said he would order
Pittman’s remark expunged from
the record, Pittman then said that
to save him the trouble, he «ould
withdraw. it.
Allen, the day’s first witness,
said Atlanta has achieved a limit.
ed amount of racial accommoda-
tion after “a Jong, exhausting and
often discouraging process,”
If Congress does not pass a pub-
lic accommodation law, he said,
cities like Atlanta might slip back-
“Hotels and restaurants fhat
have already taken this issue upon
themselves and opened their doors
it convenien;: to 20
back to the old status,” pa said.
“He urged, however, that the law
‘allow one or fWo years for each
local government fo try to solve
the problem on a voluntary basis,
iary for 13 years, and was a char
ter member of the Athena Liter-
ary Club and a member of the
Lexington Home Demonstration
Survivors include one daughter,
Miss Martha Barre of Lexington,
and a number of nieces and neph-
Funeral services will be held at
4:30 p.m. Saturday from St. Steph-
ens Lutheran Church conducted by
the Rev, Otto Reenstjerna and the
Rev, Earle H. Loadholt. Interment
will be in the church cemetery.
Active pallbearers will be J. T.
Rauch, Henry J. Rauch, William
L, Mathias, Harold G. Derrick,
Gerald Amick and Fred W. Long.
Friends may call at the Sale
Funeral Home or at the residence.
Any contributions may be sent
to the memorial fund of St. Steph-
ens Lutheran Church. ‘
W. E. Taylor Sr.
NEWBERRY — William Edgar
Taylor Sr., 65, died Friday at the
Newberry County Memorial Hos-
‘Monday if Baltimore, with burial
in Arlington National Cemetery.
R.- Henry Moseley
ANDERSON — R. Henry Mose-
ley, 84, died at his residence Fri-
Mr. Moseley was born in Lown-
desville, a son of the late Dr. J.
B. and Annie Bruce Moseley and
served as cashier of the Bank of
Lowndesville for many years. He
moved from Lowndesville to An-
derson where he served as cash-
ier of the bank there for many
years. He then moved to Abbe-
ville where he was employed in
the bank there for a. short time.
Mr. Moseley came to Anderson in
1927 and was associated with the
Orr Gray Drug Co. before his
retirement a short time ago. He
was the delinquent tax collector
for Anderson County for 17
Survivors include his wife, Mrs.
Eliabeth Kay Moseley of the
home, and one daughter, Mrs. S.
V. Foster.
Mr, Taylor was born and rear-
Funeral services will be held
Hints for U. 8. Invitation
The following dispatch from
Havana by correspondent Don-
ald Grant of the St. Louis
Post-Dispatch was made avail-
able to The Associated Press
for distribution to its mem-
bers. Grant, regular United
Nations correspondent for the
-Rewspaper, was in Havana
covering the tenth anniversary
of the Cuban 26th of duly
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Staff Correspondent
HAVANA (AP)—Premier Fidel
Castro told a group of Americans
Friday that he would like to talk
to the people of the United States
“but you must invite me to your
Otherwise, Castro said, “Jt is
Cubans in Castro's entourage
declined to interpret the premier's
informal remark, made at the
close of a garden party for inter-
national visitors to the tenth an-
niversary celebration of the attack
on Fort Moncada, which marked
Castro's rise to power.
A Cuban official suggested that
Castro could have meant he might
attend ihe September session of
the United Nations General As-
sembly at which Prime Minister
Harold Macmillan has indicated
a meeting of himself, Soviet Pre-
mier Khrushchev and President
Castro Celebrates
His Rise to. Power
-|American group by an American
friendly as he greeted the Ameri-
cans. Cuba's seizure of the Ameri-
can embassy in Havana in reprisal
for a U.S. freeze of Cuban funds
was nof mentioned by the Cuban
The garden party, in the grounds
of a mansion formerly belonging
to one of Cuba’s sugar barons,
was attended by about 500 per-
sons. These included a delegation
of Communist Chinese naval offi-
cers in impeccable white uni-
forms. :
“Socialism in our country is a
little less informal,” one of the
officers remarked.
At the time a combo on the im-
provised stage was beating out a
tune as a roundly built Cuban
woman belted out the words.
These were interpreted for the
Catholic priest, the Rev. Felix Mc-
“This is a country that has con-
quered inequality,” the words
went in part. “We have troubles,
but we will all work together with
Father McGowan — reared in
New Rochelle, N.Y. —. hesitated
a little at the line which went
“Hail Mary, brown-skinned girl.”
Fireworks exploded over the
garden at the party’s climax.
Then as the Internationale was
played with a Cuban rhythm, the
crowd stood and Casto moved
out, stopping frequently to greet
his guests as if it were—and in
| President “or-tre “wort s ATrxti= [Funeral services will be held)
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