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Box 19, Folder 18, Document 80
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July 31, 1963.
Near Iven:
When The Times gives anyone a full column on the first
page - a two-column photo and another column on page 7,
he's "got it made."
I am very proud of vou! In fact, my sister, Peggy
Gidding in Plainfield, New Jersey, wrote me how much
she was impressed, not only by what you said, but the
manner in which you so clearly expressed your thinking.
Keen up your efforts to let Washington know your views.
They need more men with your courage to make them "see
the light."
This is a rather tardy word of congratulation on the
splendid talk you gave at the Annual Meeting of the
Commerce Club. It went over nicely. When a group of
solid business men stand to show their appreciation of
a speech, you know it meant a lot to them.
Do not get discouraged. Some folks will not agree with
your thinking. Do not let that bother you in the least.
I look for big things for you in your political life in
the future.
(eorery yours,
a es
Kindest personal regards.
Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
Atlanta, Georgia.
CG: Peggy Gidding.