Box 19, Folder 19, Document 21

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Box 19, Folder 19, Document 21

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August 27, 1963

Mr. Richard Lewisohn
663 Fifth Avenue
New York 22, New York

Dear Richard:

Thanks for your nice letter of the 3lst, and I hope you will
excuse my slight delay in answering it. I had seen the
editorial in the New York Times, and I think it is excellent
and very complimentary, Best of luck to you on the next
time around,

Although my position has received very favorable national
commendation, it has not been very comfortable here in
Atlanta, In general, our business friends have really been
upset, and I have had to bear constant criticism. I felt that
I was right, and I have not changed any of my opinions.

We leave next week for Nairobi where Louise will join us

for a 4-week Safari. The "we'' is Inman and myself, This
is my first time away from the office since I have been here,
and I am looking forward to it greatly.

Let me know what lyour plans are this Fall, and if you have

any free time to come down in November or December, we

will spend a full week at the Farm, which now has the added
attraction of going fishing as well as good hunting. It is not

the same type of fishing that you and I have enjoyed at Homosassa,
but it is still good. With highest personal regards, Iam

Sincerely yours,

Ivan Allen, Jr.,


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