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Box 19, Folder 19, Document 82
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1196 Converse Drive, N.E.
Atlanta 5, Georgia
July 26, 1963
Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Mayor Allen:
I am a student at the University of Chicago and I
also visit fre-vently in New York City. Away from home,
I often meet people very interested in the racial situa-
tion in the South. I am never ashamed to say I am from
Atlanta and I am able to compare Atlanta's progress in
social justice favorably with most northern cities. I
am proud that the names Hartsfield and McGill are those
most often associated with Atlanta by non southerners.
Your brilliant testimony before the Senate Commerce
Committee today will add still more to our city's lustre.
Your contribution to the cause of human rights was inestim-
able and I am certain it will earn you national esteem equal
to other great Atlantans. For myself I am enormously pleased
that you chose to commit yourself so unequivocally on this
important issue.
Under your leadership, Atlanta's future is bright.
Yours respectfully,
Daniel R. Gross
Atlanta 5, Georgia
July 26, 1963
Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Mayor Allen:
I am a student at the University of Chicago and I
also visit fre-vently in New York City. Away from home,
I often meet people very interested in the racial situa-
tion in the South. I am never ashamed to say I am from
Atlanta and I am able to compare Atlanta's progress in
social justice favorably with most northern cities. I
am proud that the names Hartsfield and McGill are those
most often associated with Atlanta by non southerners.
Your brilliant testimony before the Senate Commerce
Committee today will add still more to our city's lustre.
Your contribution to the cause of human rights was inestim-
able and I am certain it will earn you national esteem equal
to other great Atlantans. For myself I am enormously pleased
that you chose to commit yourself so unequivocally on this
important issue.
Under your leadership, Atlanta's future is bright.
Yours respectfully,
Daniel R. Gross