Box 19, Folder 19, Document 119

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Box 19, Folder 19, Document 119

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Conferences: Bishop Sherman L. Greene, Senior Bishop Field Addresses:

Baltimore : . 1605 Crittenden Ave., N. W.

Washington 1105 Fountain Drive, S. W. Washington, D. C.

Virginia Atlanta 14, Georgia Kittrell College

North Carolina Kittrell, North Carolina

Western North Carolina July 27, 1963 Telonheae
Telephone TUckerman 2-9599
PLaza 8-2213 Washington, D. C.
Atlanta, Ga.

Mayor Ivan Allen
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia

Dear Mayor:

I wish to thank you and to congratulate you upon one of
the most courageous, constructive, and intelligent statements,
that have been made touching the Public Accommodations feature
of the President's Civil Rights Bill.

Freedom-loving citizens over the entire country are ap-
plauding you, without regard to race or creed and as a minister
of the Gospel for more than Fifty Years, it is my earnest prayer
that your continued role in governmental affairs, might be cor-
respondingly exemplary and admirable,

Again congratulating you, and wishing you long life and
happiness, I beg to remain,

With great respect,

Obediently yo

Sherman L. Green .
African Methodis

enior Bishop
ipiscopal Church



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