Box 20, Folder 1, Document 14

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Box 20, Folder 1, Document 14

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Integrationists Set
Big Atlanta Drive

An Atlanta civil rights group announced

launching a new and more

segregation in the city with massive demonstrations, civil
disobedience, fasting and tougher terms of negotiation.

Ralph Moore, a past chairman|
of the Committee on Appeal for
Human Right, warned of ‘massive
demonstrations” and said 800-900
persons already are available for
mass street sit-ins.

Spokesmen for the committee
said at a press conference late
Monday afternoon it has become
necessary to resort to such mea-

it is
intensive attack on racial

Hall because qualified Negroes
cannot obtain employment there.
He said, “Just replacing a
white employe leaving City Hall
with a Negro is not fast enough,
We need corrective action.”’
Asked if this meant firing some
white persons so that more Ne-
grees could get on the payroll,
Mr. Moore smiled and remarked,

“I didn’t say that. I said we need |

sures because city and business
officials are dragging their feet
and “Uncle Tom Negroes have
infiltrated the freedom move-

nouncements came shortly after
13 white and Negro demonstrators
were sentenced to 34 days each in

_ Municipal Traffie Court on
charges of blocking traffic and | zenship.”

disorderly conduct - disturbance.
Tha charges stemmed from a
demonstration last Friday in front

when the 13 persons sat dow
the intersection

for several minutes.

Larry Fox, Negro student chair-
man of the Committee on Appeal
for Human Rights, attended the
demonstrators’ trial, then called a
press conference immediately
after their conviction.

He said the 13 prisoners refused
the choice, of paying a $34 fine
each and instead have pledged to
fast during their 34 days in jail.
The actions of the demonstrators,
he said, “have formally given
notice that we are going to keep
trying to desegregate Atlanta.”

HE SAID, “We will continue

street demonstrations until the

situation has been remedied, un-
til segregation has been elimi-
nated in Atlanta.” is

. Moore said demonstrations
ail ta Eevee on Leb's Restau-
rant and on City Hall—Lehb’s be-
eatise it is a “‘symbol” of con-

ee continued, ‘we're going to in-
volve as man le in A
of segregated Leb’s Restaurant | pow a Le fa ee

| ganization was now able to mar-
and | shal

Luckie streets and blocked traffic HE SAM. “Uncle Tom Nag-oes

| corrective action,”

HE DID ASSERT, however, that
Negroes should be employed in

| city government in the same ratio
as their percentage in the gen-
eral population.

He praised Mayor Allen for his
support of President Kennedy's
proposed public accommodations
law but added the mayor still
“has not exhausted his moral in-
fluence” in helping Atlanta Ne-
groes to “achieve first-class citi-

“Since small, nonviolent demon-
|strations have been ineffective”

S we can.” He said his or- |

600-900 demonstrators,

have infiltrated’ the committee.
Mr. Fox pointed out, ‘In the
past three years, some people who
are not interested in the student
movement have tried to infiltrate
and water down our action.” é

He said attempts are being
made to oust ‘the Uncle Tom
types.” He repeatedly declined
to identify by name those mem-
bers of the Atlanta Negro com-
munity that he considered ‘‘Uncle
Tom types.”

Mr. Moore added that in future
negotiations with Mayor Allen, |
the committee will refuse to talk |
if the mayor includes “Uncle |
Tom Negroes” at the BarEpInENE |

He said demonstrators will start |
resorting now to street demon-
strations ‘‘because the police,
judges, officials and the state are
not protecting them at restau-

tinuing segregation in the private

sector of the economy, and City!

oe per. pe

se eed



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