Box 20, Folder 1, Document 20

Dublin Core


Box 20, Folder 1, Document 20

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‘Dear Mayor Allen:

It is with regret that I call attention to
the sepiptural injunctions against racial
integration, in view of the sincere attitudes
‘which prompt contrary positions. However, I
‘pelieve the salvation of the race and the purpose
of its creation and destiny takes precedence over
predilections which may have been induced by
mistaken assumptions, even by Some of ithe clergy.

Some scriptural ek which are pertinent
include Gen. 9:25=-27; Ex. 34:10-16; Deut. 7:1-7;
Ezra 9; Neh. 9:2, 13:3, 13:30;-Ps. 2: ae I eer
8:53; IL Tim. -3:5-9, 4:3,4.

Sincerely, 4
He Ke Martz ka
1030 oor ot)

San Jose 36, calif.


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