Box 20, Folder 1, Document 105

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Box 20, Folder 1, Document 105

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1. The information printed here is not
available from any of the regular channels
of information which are controlled by our

2. Read carefully and judge for yourself
about what is wrong with America.

top this plot which has been steadily pro-

gressing for many years, and especially the
last 20 years, and now has its key men in

the desired positions of power, ready to
pall the strings which will submerge Gentile
humanity forever.

4, Every Senator and Congressman is
constantly voting on questions concerning
the world crisis, yet few have the guts to
tell the people what is back of the entire
world crisis and to advocate measures to
counteract ft.

5. Rather than endure the smear that
would come their way, many members of
Congress are willing to sell their own fu-
ture generations into slavery. Spineless
creatures engrossed with the egotism of the

Felix Frankfurter
Placed Many Reds in

Most Powerful
Man in World.

ap, ide ne



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micht losé advertising.

15. The International Jewish Council
met at Basle, Switzerland, in 1879 and drew
up the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of
Zion” as the formula for their plan to cap-
ture. control. ofthe world.

16. Jews claim the Protocols are for-
geries. A forgery is an unauthorized copy
of an original. The Jews never question the
authenticity of the original Protocols which
were written in Hebrew. The important
fact is that the Jews are carrying the plot
out to the letter.

Russian Revolution was fi-
“nanced by Jews, Jacob Schiff, Otto Kahn &
Paul Warburg, of Kuhn, Loeb & Company,
New York bankers. They advanced 48 mil-
lion dollars and trained 276 Jewish revo-
lutionaries in New York City on the lower
East Side who were shipped to Russia in
1917 to direct the overthrow of the gov-
ernment and set up the present Commu-
nist government of U. S. S. R. They passed
through Germany (with whom we were
then at war) by permission of Paul War-

Henry Morgenthau
Gave Money Plates
To Communists

CG. Douglas Dillon
Undersecretary of State

deliberate act) in 1921 and 1829, they
brought onthe depressions. (The Jewish
plan—see the Protocols).
Protocol XX, 20. “Economie

erises have been produced by us

for the goyim (Gentile) by no

othersmeans»ihan the withdrawal

of money from circulation.”

This was written jn 1905 and referred te
the panic of 1893 which was caused by
simply and suddenly withdrawing a large
amount of gold from the New York Stock
Exchange and sénding it to Montreal.
“The Federal Reserve Conspiracy” docu-
ments the details of this operation from
economic journals and from little-publicized
Congressional investigations. The money
panics of 1907 (which occurred in a year of
general prosperity), 1921 and 1929 were
caused in the same way, and the details are
similarly documented.

Jewish banking: house, loaned money to
both sides in World War I (in line with the
Protocols plot). Without such loans there


“David Lilienthal
First Chairman

Atomic Energy Compyission T.S.D., UL S. Army

je oe al
Gen. Herman Feldman
Quartermaster General

Lithuania have been digested by the Com-
munist Jews) — with a few Gentile stooges
to front for them. Two and a half million
Jews in Russia occupy nearly all govern-
ment positions and live in luxury with the
finest cars and mink coats while the Gen-
tile population lives in slavery and squalor
as their slaves. LAZAR KAGANOVICH,
Jewish brother-in-law of STALIN was the

World War Ill fs to exhaust the nations
go that they will agree to a Jewish world
government. The Jew-controlled United
Nations is to be the world government; the
flag of the United Nations is taken from
the flag of Israel and Russia.

28. The world’ crisis is made by
Loeb & Co., and who was recently appointed
Chairman of the U. S. Atomic Energy
Commission by EISENHOWER), ROTHS-

_ Anna M, Rosenberg Arthur F. Burns

Loaded Dofense Dept.
With Reds,

Pres. Eisenhower

Economie Advisor for

But it’s going to last a good many years.”
ANNA knows the plan of the Protocols.
She supervised the hiring of more than a
million while she was in that job. It will
take ten years to unseramble the Red net-
work she set up if America does not pass
out before.

35. She was backed by BERNARD
BARUCH for her position. She is a friend
of EISENHOWER. BARUCH is the secre@
President of the United States. EISENHOW-
ER is his mouthpiece. EISENHOWER, on
BARUCH’S advice, opposes the BRICKER
amendment so our Constitution can be set
aside and world government set up, and the
White Race destroyed.

36. Jew EINSTEIN caused the Atomic
_Energy traitor, KLAUS FUCHS, to be re-
leased from jail in Canada and brought to
the United States, where he acted as
the world’s leading atomic energy spy. |
EINSTEIN was a strong supporter of trai
EINSTEIN in a letter to Jew WILLIAM
FRAUENGLASS, New York ‘teacher, ad-

lrivng Peress

‘ David Dub!
Russian-born World Wide Communist Promoted.
Labor Leader Army Captain

importance of their positions and thinking
they are the all-wise mentors of the nation
passing on its vital questions, whereas they
are guilty of the grossest hypocrisy of all
times in evading the one and all important
issue which is the foundation of ail other
questions. They are presiding over the dis-

bure’s brother, who was the Kaiser’s Chief
of Espionage, and permission of the Ger-
man Chancellor, Von Bethman-Hollweg
(Jew). Trotsky and Lenin were the lead-
ers. All attempted assassinations and assas-
inations of Czars were carried out by Jews.

18, BERNARD BARUCH gave $50,-
000 te WOODROW WILSON’S campaign,

would have been yo War as neither side
could afford war. But the Jews wanted
war in order to have Gentile destroy Gen-
tile, and to bring yn world chaos and to
seize power in the interim due to the
emergencies created,

23. WILSON pyt the U. S. into the
war to bale out the Jewish banking interests

ee ee ee ee | Ga Boa. Mie

STEIN, and the rest of their Jewish con-

29. Why do Jews talk of the crisis we
have with Russia? They control the govern-
ments of Russia, England, France, Isvael, and
the WU. S, The crisis is their own making,
brought about by them in order to put us
in a military straitjacket to them.

vised all witnesses to refuse to answer
questions before Cengressional committees,

387. Jewish international banker forces
that backed EISENHOWER for President
also. backed STEVENSON, TRUMAN fol
lowed the Jewish instructions. The Jewish
international bankers, promoting Commu.

Niom Gm asnardanes: with @h. Wad
6. Many members of Congress desire to
fead a life of hypocrisy and escape the real
fasue, leaving it for others, who, in like
manner, leave it for others, and all touch

fé not. Thus the internal enemy has a free.

and untrammeled field in which he is mov-
ing rapidly forward to the climax.

.%. Needed is a simultaneous effort of a
large group of Senators and Congressmen
to expose this plot because there is protec-
tion in numbers. The public could thus
be aroused, and once aroused, would give
them its support, and smear of individuals
could not take place when a goodly number
act simultaneously.

8. Communism was set up by Jews
in 1917.

9. It is the Jewish plot to enslave the
Gentiles and to rule over them as kings
over slaves.

10. The Jews consider this their
as “the chosen people”.


Company on the promise that he would
obtain passage of and sign PAUL WAR-
BURG’S “Federal Reserve Act of 1913”—
which he did — which placed the banking
reserves of the United States under the
control of the Jewish international bank-
LEHMAN, etc.

19. The public thinks the Federal Re-
serve banks are government owned, but
they are privately owned, the geographic
dispersal of twelve to represent decentrali-
zation just being window-dressing as they
all are dependent on the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York which is under control
of the Wall Street Jewish international

20. ‘They collect the dividends resulting
from the interest payments of the U. S.
government on its bonds sold to the Fed-
eral Reserve Banks, financed by deposits of

Edward M. M. Warburg

Max Lowenthal
Top Advisor to Head of
Truman Kuhn, Loeb Co.

Phililp Perlman
Former Solicitor Gen.

James D. Zellerbach
Ambassador to Italy

Jews in complete charge of the United
States — BERNARD BARUCH as head of
War Industries Board, PAUL WARBURG
as head of banking interests, and EUGENE
MEYER who now owns the leftist paper
“Washington Post” and also controls Allied
Chemical and Dye, head of the Liberty
Loan drive. BARUCH spent 10 billion
dollars of allied money, giving his own
companies the choicest contracts, on which
he also could fix ptices, and. made himself
a multi-millionaire by fleecing the people of
the United States.

24. BARUCH has spent his life car-

Tying out the plot of the “Protocols of the
Learned Elders of Zion” while represent-
ing himself to the public as “Elder States-
man” and “Advisor to Presidents”. He pre:
tends to be a patriot by advising America
what it should do for protection against
war crises which he and his gang has
foistered on America in their plot.

Charles |. Schottland
Social Security Chiof

miata, = aoe

Harry Dexter White
Treasury Dept. Spy

30. Why did ‘lruman in 1945, In appulie-=
ing a five-man civilian board Atomic Energy
Commission, appoint four Jews as members?
shown to be a member of two Communist-
fronts, yet backed by BARUCH! for the
position. Other Jew members, W. W. WAY-

31. Why does Eisenhower now appoint
LEWIS L. STRAUSS, Jewish Kuhn Loeb
banker, as chairman of the U. S. Atomic
Energy Commission?

32. Why did Eisenhower appoint Jewish
Austrian-born Prof. ARTHUR F. BURNS
his Economie Adviser? (The Protocols say
the Jews must occupy the positions of eco-
nomic advisers).

~ 33. Why did Eisenhower appoint Jewess
FREDA B. HENNOCK Federal Communi-
cations Commissioner, and Jew SAMUEL

Lewis L. Strauss

Chairman of Atomic

te Sen ae eh

James P. Warburg
World Government Leader

CONLFO! THe WOrld aS OULLNeG Mm ier rece
tocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” have
complete control of both the Democratic and
Republican parties.

With their unlimited supply of money,
they can buy anything. Protocol III., 11.
“With the aid-of gold — which is all in our
hands — we shall create universal econumic
crises which will bring industry to a stand-

Protocol IV., 4. “To give the Gentiles no
time to think, their minds must be diverted
— thus all nations take no note of their
common foe.” .

58. The United States is already captured.
{ts government is under the control of its
11 million Jews headed by the BARUCH,


Hyman G. Rickover
Chairman Peacetime
Atomic Energy Commission

Louis Rothschild
Chairman of
Maritime Board

11. To accomplish this they create wars,
revolutions, and depressions in order to
seize the power during the resulting chaos.
12. For hundreds of years this has been
the Jewish plan on the instructions of their
Grand Sanhedrin of Constantinople im its
Vengeance Protocol of 1492.

13. To do so, they have cornered the
world’s gold supply and have sold the world
the fiction that gold is wealth, instead of
the land and commodities being recognized
as wealth. By their control of gold, they
have enslaved all nations to them threugh
loans. They hold the world in an economic

14. By their control of gold, they con-
trol the means of propaganda, smearing all
newspapers and publications who do not
kow-tow to their wishes, and also shutting
off all foreign news they do not wish a
pation’s people to hear. Every regular
mewspaper in the land talks of the world
crisis, but not one dares to inform the pub-
fic of the Jew plot behind the crisis, They

commercial banks throughout the country
—YOUR MONEY. The U. S. government
pays interest on its own credit and the
Jewish international bankers collect it. In
1946 on a national debt of 246 billion, the
interest was 1414 million dollars a day.
Today, 1954, the National debt is 276 billion
dollars. Can you see where the money
power lies? By their control of gold the
Jewish international bankers get richer
while Gentile America gets poorer and
poorer. In the “Protocols” they say they will
drain the entire product of material and
labor off the land into their treasuries.

21. The Congress “abdicated” in 1915
when it passed the Federal Reserve Act.
The Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve Banks met behind closed doors
and has more power than the Congress of
the United States. Said Board of Gover-
nors is not responsible to the public nor to
Congress and has repeatedly shown that
it is under the control of the international
banker. By raising the rediscount rate (a

BARUCH spent $10,000 to bring the Com-
munist church burners back from Spain
where they burned religious leaders alive
after covering them with kerosene. (Time
Magazine, Jan. 2, 1939.)

25. World War was forced on Ger-
many by the Jewish International bankers
who squeezed Germany financially for this
brought about the boycott of Germany in
1933 for this purpose,

26, World War I was for the pur-
pose of the Jews doing to Germany what
they did to Russia in World War I, causing
revolution and establishing Communism.

27. World War Ill is being arranged
by the Jews in order to bring the entire
world into Commtnism, which is Jewish
super capitalism, with the Jews controlling
the government aS they do now in the
Sovieb Union and all other Communist
countries — Poland; Hungary, Czechoslova-
kia, Roumania, Chita (Estonia, Latvia and

B. GRONER her assistant? The Protocols
say they must control all communications.

34. ANNA M. ROSENBERG, who attend-
ed Communist front meetings according to
sworn testimony by RALPH DE SOLA,
hired 10,000 people for the Manhaiian
(Atomic Energy) project, (The New York-
er, September 15, 1945). This included the
writing in the New York Mirror Novem-
ber 15, 1950, describes the power ANNA
had while in charge of the nation’s man-
power: “Tomorrow MRS. ANNA M.
ROSENBERG assumes her duties as As-
sistant Secretary of Defense in charge of

the nation’s manpower. There are about

115 different U. S. government agencies
concerned with manpower.” Mr. FIELDS
quotes Mrs. ROSENBERG: “Today we are
in for a long pull... 1 would not dare esti-
mate how long. Nobody would believe me,

One hundred and sixty million American
Gentiles ruled by 11 million Jews. A nation
within a nation. And in the world, billions
of Gentiles are ruled by 16 million world Jews.

39. DAVID SENTER, political writer for
the Hearst papers, on July 6, 1953, states
that the man behind the guns in the
EISENHOWER administration is SIDNEY
JAMES WEINBERG, Wall Street invest-
ment banker of GOLDMAN, SACHS and
COMPANY. It is clear that the EISEN-
HOWER CABINET was hand-picked by
CLAY, whom WEINBERG made Chairman
of Continental Can. Jews WEINBERG and

40 While focusing our attention on the

enemy from without, the enemy from
within has captured the United States
government. The power passed from the
people to the state about twenty years

(See Other Side)

ago. No longer are the three @ivisions of gov:
ment, Legislative, Executive, Judicial of equal

ntended by

was y the founding fathers,
form of a Republic is main-
g the people into believing they
c. They have same on local level
1 natienal level,

The Executive is all powerful. Con-

ss. By patronage and by
fe gets his way. He can buy
en admit they have no
nical budget figures they
ry onee voted, the Executive can
pend itatwill with no check up. The Executive
n supreme Court Judges and so
controls that also.
invisible Jewish government has
l of the U.S. since F.D.R. took
c rance, the Soviet Union, Israel,
and Czechoslovakia, Poland, and Rou-

Only the


taken to Russia to be tried, without protection of
the U.S. Courts and U.S. Constitution, and trial
by jury. It makes it a crime to say anything re-
flecting upon any race, or group, and this law
the Jews want so they can proceed unhampered
in their plot, and it will be criminal to accuse

() Universal Military Training is for the pur-
pose of getting the young men of America under
control of the Jews for 8 year periods and with
the military whiphand over them, they will be
forced to study and accept Communist propa-
ganda. Those who accept will be given the ad-
vancement and allowed to study for the postl-
tions of doctors, dentists, lawers, etc., but those
who rebel against it will be chosen for floor
scrubbers, etc.

() The Human Rights Convenant, drawn up
and two Russians, gives the government of any
member nation of the United Nations the right,
if it thinks itself threatened, to curb the freedom
of the press,,;-and=to

We Were not allowed to win the. war.

Protocol 111 says “It is indispensible
for our purpose that wars, so

far as possible, should not result in
territorial gains; War will thus be
brought to the economic ground... ~
Our irternational rights will then
wipe out national rights, in the prop-
er sense of right, and will rule the
nations precisely as the civil law of
States rules the relations of their sub-
jects among themselves,”

54, EISENHOWER advocated the LEHMAN

inspired legislation to admit 214,000 adaitionar
immigrants (mostly Jews, you will see) to re-
place the Gentile Americans destroyed in the
Korean war. Eighteen gullible Republican Sena-
tors sponsored this legislation which they would
have voted against the previous year had TRU-
MAN introduced it, but now they consider they
have a “Republican” President. Since the end of
World War 11, ACHESON ‘let in: five times as

‘imm ts as the law allows and 77 per

(f) He refused to win the Korean war.

(g) He gave the Communists everything they
asked in the truce negotiations, including giv-
ing up the strategicisland of Cho and two others.

(h) He is against tax reduction, although he
had promised it.

@ He has refused to clean out the Reds in
government positions.

@) He Is against McCARTHY and never talks
against the enemy from without. Gn line with
the Protocols wherein they say they will divert
the attention of the people while they do tner
work of the plot.) “To give the Gentiles no mme
to think, thelr minds must be diverted...tmus
all nations will take no note of thelr common

«&) He is for the United Nations [which is to
be the Jewish World Government].

@ He appointed the pro-communist Harvard
President CONANT as High Commissioner of

( He appointed the BARUCH-WEINBERG

Will be shot] This is your last chance. Whe
the Jews pull the dictatorship, they will shoot
you or put you in concentration camps. You
have presided at the passing of the United
States and the passing of the white race. You
let it happen, Now get together in one mighty
effort to stop it. This is reality. You have only
one chance left and that is to arrange a simul-
taneous outcry by a group of your fellow mem-
bers of Congress to indict this conspiracy by
the size of which the Capone gang and the
Mafia are infants, The Jewish Anti-Defamation
League, Its Bnal Brith, the American Jewish
wongress, are subversive conspiracies carrymg
out the Jew plan. They are a “Gestapo” In
every community. The Jewish communities
everywhere fully cooperate—none disavow It.
They have been taught it for hundreds of years,
The Protocols of Zion are being fulfilled. Act
now or your posterity will be slaves forever!
BENJAMIN FRANELIN predicted this in his
Convention Speech in 1784, and you have carried
it out and brought it to the point at which the
trap is about to snap. Get together at once and

a4. ‘The land In Israel is owned by the take over all industry andyall labor, T) cent of them were ders, ss stands supine: chosen BOHLEN as Ambassador to Russia, he undo it or be prepared to take the consequences
Jacob Blaustein Jake Arv Herbert Lehman Albert Einstein Max Rabb _ _ Sidney Hillman Ismar Baruch Or. R, Oppenheimer Sidney J. Weinberg Leon een
U.S. Del a Joscantord N. Political Boss of Leader in 30 Communist Citations Secy. to Cabinet Man behind F.D.R, Chief of Civil Service Former Atomic Energy Directs Invisible Truman Financia
Chicago Marxist Plot Plant Boss Government Advisor

STINE ECONOMIC CORP. represented in the
United States by the National Jewish Fund.
Arabs bad occupied part of this land for 1,300
years and part 1,700 years. The Jews came in
Tr ‘ther parts of the world and murdered the
shed nearly a million into the
where 850,000 still exist.

4 to ROOSEVELT through BER-
CH who had his apartment in the
toria in New York.

i6. ANTHONY EDEN recuperated from aa
liness at the Rhode Island home of the daugh-
ter of Jew, OTTO KAHN, one of -those. who
financed the Russian revolution. Mrs, OTTO
EAHN was feted by Bolshevist Russia like an


time mes


9 cause wars to consume the American
Sentile manpower which should be the seed of
this nation,

replace the consumed

American Gen-

(ob) ‘To

This is the means they intend to use to spring
the trap on the United States and take over the
government with their dictatorship. They are
also pushing to do the same by urging
passage of standby mobilization tion, for
which BARUCH appeared before Congressional
committees and for which he has made public
speeches in advocating that the President be
given complete authority to mobilize everyone
from 17 to 70, in event of attack or threat of
attack by Russia, a threat he and his gang will
bring about at the desired time, because they
control the government of the Soviet Union, as
well as of England, France, Israel, and the
United States.

48. Jews keep themselves segregated and

do not intermarry but they want the Gentiles
to intermarry with colored races, Why not, then,
the Jews? Oh, no, they consider themselves “the
chosen people” to rule over all the other races
of the world,

This plot could not go on if the newspapers

ly by while all this goes 0M as though it werea
little child and not suppos¢d to know.

55. HENRY MORGANTHAU JR., Secretary,
of the Treasury, with RY DEXTER WHITE,
Under Secretary and ComMiunist (who committed
suicide when exposed) and. HAROLD GLASSER
—all Jews in charge of oUr Treasury — gave to
the Communists money Plates complete with
three plane-loads of secret ink and four plane-
loads of secret paper for Printing our money in
East to pay two Years salary to Com-
munist soldiers. Jewish refugees brought mill-
ions of this money to the U.S. to set up in bus!-

56. More Koreas are '® come in the future

to consume more Amerian manpower which
should be the seed of thiS Nation, We now have
our men scattered in 63 ©Untries, according to
U.S. News and World ReP°rt Dec, 25, 1953.

5%. More letting dow™ of the Immigration
Laws is to come, to let In More Jews to take the
Place of the consumed n Gentiles.

58, When the United States 1s worn down


being a ROOSEVELT-TRUMAN favorite inter-
preteé= and advisor, who still contends the Yalta
and Teheran decisions were right.

(n) He appointed the ROOSEVELT-TRUMAN
favorite. General. WALTER BEDELL SMITH as
Undersecretary of State, who is one of the five
men who knew the Japs were on thelr way to
attack us at Pearl Harbor and did not alert our
forces there,

(o) He sponsored the legislation to admit 214,
000 additional aliens in the next three years and
secured its passage,

(p) He is against the WALTER-McCARRAN
Immigration Law.

(q) He is for raising the debt limit of the Unit:
ed States. a ‘ ne

(©) He is for keeping up the foreign spending
to finance socialistic governments in other coun-
tries while tearng down the United States,

(s) He is against bookburning but wants U.S.
citizens taxed to supply Red slanted books to
foreign libraries,

@® He is for Universal Military Training, and

and you and your posterity, will be wiped out
or go into slavery forever, There is no time to

In case you think we are prejudiced, history
for more than 1,000 years indicates that where
ever these people have settled, it was necessary
to evict them eventually—Babylon, Spain, France,

England, and as recent as 1939, Germany, and
it will happen in America.


What You Can De

_1, Organize into a group willing ta save
America by simultaneous action,

2. Outlaw. Communism.

3. Make treason during peace time a crime

punishable by death,
4 Outlaw the Anti-Defamation League,
American Jewish Congress and American
Jewish Committee.



meee, ins
Isadore Jack Martin
Liaison Man
White House and Congress

Alfred G. Katzin
in charge of all
U. N.. Personnel

tiles with Jewish immigrants from Europe and

‘c) To consume the money of the American
Gentile population by the direct and indirect
taxes Necessary to pay the interest to the Jew-
ish international bankers on the national debt
and to pay national budgets brought about by
the cost of the wars and the preparation for

id) To enforce non-segregation In order that
intermarriage of white and colored races (which

s ] colored offspring) will be

5 eSlUts in
I echt about and thus cause the passing of the
white race, which race the Jews consider their
only obstacle to the fulfillment. of, their. proto-
cols plot, as they feel their superior intelligence
(as they call it) will enable them to easily rile
over a world of colored races.

fe) To set aside our Constitution by means of

Simon E. Sobeloff

District Federal Judge
Vice Pres. A.J.C.

Rabbi Hillel Silver
Top Zionist
Powerful in Washington

of the country would inform the people. Papers
daily speak of the world crisis yet not one of
the regular commercial dailies has the guts to

come out with the truth of the Jew plot. They
would lose some Jewish advertising dollars__
so better to have wars and the dissolution of the
United States and the passing of the white race
than to lose those precious Jewish advertising
dollars. The newspapers need to also arrange
a simultaneous exposure of the plot.

49, Jews ‘brought on World War 11 and —

its aftermath, had us fight it in order to re
move the two barriers, Germany and Japan
from Russian expansion in order to make the
present World crisis.

50. The Jews caused the stooge TRUMAN

- ACHESON gang to build up Russia to present.

a threat to the United States which they could
then use to put the United States in a military

Wolfe Ladeljinsky
Russian-born Jew, in
Foreign Oper. Adm.

Maxwell Abbell
Committee to Prevent

treaty with the United Nations and then

se} up World Government te the Whrited
Watlons which will be a Jewish world govern-

(f) In any world’ governmeht we will have
7 per eent of the vote, being 7 per cent of the
world’s population, They will outvote us and
will ship millions of black and yellow people

Into the United States and with non-segrega-
tlon laws, the white race will melt away, which
is tuc Jew plan,

(g) Fair Employment Practices Commission,
FEPC, the Genocide treaty, the Human Rights
Convenant, and Universal Military Training are
all Jewish Communist measures pushed by the
Jewish controlled United Nations,

(li) Y..P.C. is to force employers to hire Com-
munists and colored people with no freedom of
eholee, in order to break down white control of
Industry, and also to bring about intermarriage
of whites and colored by non-segregation in im:
dustry, t further the wiping out of the white

@) The Genocide treaty could force you to be

Meyer Kestnbaum
Chairman, Comm. on
Intergoy. Relations

Gen. Curtis E. LeMay.
Vice Chief of Staff
U, S. Air Force


51, Bhe Jews caused F,.D. ROOSEVELT to
give Manchuria and Poland to the Communists
and to divide Germany . , . . see the results.
FRANKFURTER, directing the State Depart-
ment, gave China to the Communists and sent
General MARSHALL, their stooge, to spend 13
months breaking down enemies of Communism
in China,

52. They caused the Korean war to follow by
having the U.S. refuse to arm the South Kore-
ans, although knowing Russia armed the North

' Koreans to the teeth, and by withdrawing our

troops, and announcing we would not defend
Korea. Colonel ALFRED G, KATZIN was U.N.
representative to Korea, now in charge of all
U.N. personnel, Why worry about Military sec-
rets when Jews are in such key positions?

od. This causéd the invasion they desired,

then they threw our teoops im there wathdut con: |

scnt of Congress, in violation of Public Law No.
26¢, but caused adoption of the policy whereby


Dr. Leo Pasvolsky
Drafied U. N. Charter
with Alger Hiss

enough and the Russian H-bomb stockpile is
built up enough so that Russia can win then the
Jews will bring about World War 111 to exhaust
the white race so that the remnants left will
snbmit to world government in desperation,
which will be a “Jewish World Government”,

59. They state they will then forbid the in-
termarriage of whites with whites. Whites will

be allowed only to marry colored peoples in
order to dissolve the white race, =e

J. Irwin Shapiro
Head of State Dept.
of Investigation

60. After they get the United Nations “Human

Rights Covenant” passed, which gives all mem-
ber governments the right’ to impose martial law
if they consider thy threatened, they will
have their Russian friends perpetrate an event
which they will call, a national threat. enabling
the government to put the United States under
martial law, and then you will actually have in

“David Morse
Director General of
International Labor Org.

” Morris Wolf
Gen. Counsel; Foreign

dictatorship strait-jacket, which. is fast on the being ia RC EE which is now al-
inthe ower but. has not yet, pull-

ed the strings.

61, EISENHOWER is completely subserv-
ient to the Jewish Plotters and is carrying for-
ward their Protocols Plot steadily.

That is why:

(a) He wants the United Nations to be able
to set aside our Constitution, which will bring
the destruction of America, and the setting up
of Jewish World Government under the United

(b) He proposed and secured passage of treat-
jes making our soldier boys subject to foreign
courts, Surely he cares naught about protecting
our American boys. :

(c) He refused. to blockade Red China,

(d) He reiused to cut off aid being given to
our so-called ailies, who were trading with Red
China, an

(e) He retused ty enable CHIANG KAISHEK
io invade the mainland, : ¥

Operations Administration

Manly Fleischman
Defense Prod. Adm.
under Truman

Nathan Feinsinger
Chairman Truman's
Wagp Stabilization Board

has appointed a committee to study it, which
committee he has handpicked of those in favor
of it, and appointed JULIUS ADLER, a Jew, a:
Chairman. :
62, Eisenhower has moved the Jews into
top position in our government, in readiness for
the day when they will “snap the trap.”
(a) He has appointed Jew LEWIS L. STRAUSS
as Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission.

STRAUSS is a member of KUHN, LOEB CO.,

investment bankers,

(b) He has appointed Jew ARTHUR F. BURNS
his Economic Advisor.

(2) He has appointed Jew MEYER ROBERT
GUGGENHEIM, Ambassador to Portugal.

(dq) He has appointed Jew LOUIS ROTH:
SCHILD, Chairman of the Maritime Board.

Samuel Klaus
Intelligence Division,
State Dept.

Isidore Lubin
Mastermind on
German Reparations

(e) He appointed Jewess FREDA HENNOCK,
Federal Communications, Commissioner, —

(f) He has appointed Jew SAMUEL B.
GRONER, Assistant Federal Communications

(g) He has appointed Jew MAX RABB, his
White House Assistant.

th) He has appointed Jew L. JACK MARTIN,
liaison man between White House and Congress,

(i) He has appointed Jew CLARENCE D.
DILLON, (LAPOWSKI) Ambassador to France,

63. The Gentiles have been willing to
share America with the Jews, but the Jews are
not willing to share America with the Gentiles,
The Jews want it all , and to make the Gentiles
their slaves.

64. The Jews cry Anti-Semitism” whenever
accused, but the correct name of Anti-Semitism
is “Jew conscious.” If a group is guilty of a crime
against others, then they should be decried as
a group, just as you would decry the Capone
gang, for the saine reason.

Membera of Congress. Awaken now or you

Murry Snyder
Asst. Sec. of Defense
Charge Public Relations

Stuart Rothman
Solicitor, Labor Dept.

1. Form groups of fellow Legislators willing
to save America by taking simultaneous action.

2. Outlaw the Anti-Defamation League,
American Jewish Congress and American Jewish

3. They have trained “Military Government
Units” and in a trial run in nine cities moved in
and imposed Martial Law in the name of the
United Nations, This was a dress rehearsal
for what is to come.

4. Eisenhower's reorganization of the defense
system is the BARUCH Plan, which puts the
final authority in one man, the Chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff,

D. The State National Guard units everywhere
have purposely been prevented from getting
ammunition and equipment by the Federal
Government, This is to prevent them from
Tesisting the “take-over” when it comes.

‘Dr. tsadore Rabi
Commissioner of
Atomic Energy


The most effective move anyone can Make to
help preserve freedom in our beloved country is
to read the PROTOCOLS carefully so you will
know the plan, then make the Protocols avail:
able to others.

John Gates
(Isriel Ragenstrich)
Editor, Daily Worker

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